CHAPTER 23: The New Contract

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Like the first time Ryder said he loved me we are interrupted by Augiie walking in and giving him a hug, then Levi appears along with all his old friends who steal him away.

But unlike the first time he said it, I'm not scared because he looks better than I have ever seen him.

I have lived 2years without Ryder Salvatore and they sucked, no one even came close to making me feel the way he has. When I finally regained memories of our secret summer affair, I finally got why I was so protective of him.

Why my parents were so protective of him and 2years later nothing has changed.

I go up to Dash's room and pull out a piece of paper and start writing, its only right to end this the way it began.

"Hey, I've been looking for you." Ryder finds me by the snack table eating a slider, I'm a little tipsy from all the champagne so I'm trying to mask it.

"Well you found me," I let his arm wrap around my lower waist.

"I have a bone to pick with you," he gives me an eye. "I heard my best friend took you to Prom, what the hell is that?" I have to laugh.

"We went as friends and talked about you all night," I reassure making him smile "but we have to talk about you picking a college closest to me, I don't want that burden and—"

"—relax you were the main reason but after consideration I realized how perfect it was for me in the long run." He locks eye with me and I swear my heart jumps out of my chest.

"I love you," I finally say out loud making his eyes bug out. "I love you Ryder Tobias Salvatore," I repeat just in case he didn't hear me.

I realized 2years ago as I carried him from his house to mine the day I got him out that I always loved him, I just didn't know it till the day on the roof.

"And I love you Billie-Ann Porter, I always have" he kisses me making me drop my slider as I wrap my hands around his neck.

Everyone goes to the lake party after our graduation party but Ryder and I go back to my room where we consummate our reunion just like we did the night we lost our virginity on his 15th birthday.

"What's this?" He holds out the paper I was drafting in Dash's room.

"It's summer so it's a new contract with new terms," I slip on my lace underwear as he sits next to me only in his boxers.

"Really now?" He unfolds the paper and begins reading as I clip on my bra, "oh shit."

"You have some things you want to add?" I stand up and walk to my closet and grab some shorts.

I have a feeling Ryder will like this summer contract way better than the first one.

"No I love it actually," he looks up to me as I clip my hair up with a claw clip.

"Good." I smile proudly as I slip my jeans on, I knew he would it like.

"But you forgot to add that you're my girlfriend now," I look over my shoulder. "And that I'm your boyfriend."

"I did?" Tears fill my eyes as I button my pants.

"Have I mentioned I love you?" He grabs my hand and pulls me to his lap.

"It hasn't come up," I laugh as he connects our lips.


The new SUMMER CONTRACT rules:

a) Everyone and anyone can know, no more secrets.

b) Visible proof is allowed, mark your territory baby!

c) We're still using protection and the pill, no babies or surprises we're doing this right.

d) Don't keep your feelings hidden, let's enjoy being in love. (Btw did I mention that I love you.)

e) It doesn't have to end with summer, we've been apart for too long anyway.

f) We're boyfriend and girlfriend till you let me marry you.

I write the last rule with such a huge smile I know nothing will dim my mood as we get dressed for the lake party.

As Billie-Ann finishes getting ready in the bathroom, I take out my phone and open Instagram where I add a picture I sneaked earlier on while she was taking pictures with her cap and gown.

"My girlfriend is a high school graduate!?" Dash reads the caption of the photo I posted of Billie-Ann when he sees us by the keg. "You guys haven't seen each other in 2years and already you are Instagram official?"

"I want to be mad but nothing could ruin my mood right now," Porter kisses my cheek as I laugh.

She pretended to be mad but I know she's happy I posted it, I saw her looking at it a few times on our way here.

"After what you guys have been through, you guys deserve this." Dash hands us red solo cups, "congratulations motherfuckers, we all envy, love and hate you right now." He cheers making us laugh a little.

"I see why you keep him around," I smile as Dash walks away.

"He has his moments," Billie-Ann wraps her hands around my neck as mine snake around her lower waist.

She's in black biker denim shorts, a white cropped vest and a black oversized plaid shirt so I have access to her firm ass that feels amazing under my grip.

"This summer is going to be great," I push some bangs off her forehead.

"Wait, you're staying?" Her face lights up.

"Yep, I'll be staying with the Ackerman's which means you can really show me how much you've missed me these past 2years." I kiss her cheek then neck, giving her bottom a squeeze.

My uncle sold our house in Bluebell and all the assets tying us here so I have no reason to stay except for the gorgeous woman in my arms who I plan to spend my 18th birthday and the rest of my life with

I have plans for Porter and I, even though she doesn't know it yet but I made a vow to her when I left Bluebell and that was that I will never leave her side.


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