CHAPTER 17: Do you get Déjà vu?

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I wrote in a diary about a boy who wore long sleeves, one day I pulled them up and bruises were all over his arms and he iced me out and never spoke to me again.

The same boy grew up hiding and flinching in pain, a week didn't pass without a cut lip or bruised back. This boy prayed in his sleep and it scared me because he prayed for his end.

I wrote down his prayer once and it recited:

Sleep is good,

death is better

But of course my lord,

the best thing would have never been born at all

I didn't remember the prayer when I woke up but I heard him say it repeatedly.

This boy had bright eyes of salt but this boy was in pain and needed help. I didn't realize it till I heard his prayer and spoke to someone.

How do you get someone to stop hurting the person you love?

The question burns in me, if I find the person who asked it then I'll find the boy.

My parents knew, that's why we were leaving. They knew who it was and they were going to help him, save him, set free him but they are dead.

"So I ask mom and dad, please give me a sign please help find this boy." A tear falls down my cheek as I look at their tombstones, "please help me save him."

Don't let our fight be for nothing, don't let him continue to fall apart till there is nothing left of him.

"Are you okay my child?" Pastor Salvatore startles me.

"Yes, just visiting my parents." I wipe my cheek.

We haven't been to church because we have to pass their memorial on the way there and Augiie still can't without crying so this is awkward.

"Do you remember something?" He helps me stand up.

"Just someone who needs my help?" I push hair behind my ear, ""

"What?" His eyebrows shoot up, "where did you hear that?"

"In a dream," I look at him. "Have you heard it before?"

"Yes actually, from my daughter Magnolia." He clears his throat, "she asked the same question before she left for boarding school in Davenport."

"Do you think she was the who asked me?" I look at my parent's graveyards, is this a sign from them?

"I wouldn't know," his eyes are distant. "But you remembered it for a reason," he pushes his sleeve up to look at his clock. "I have to go," I'm only now noticing the black leather gloves.

Did he always wear those?

I somehow convince Aunt Marie to drive me to Davenport Boarding school to visit Augiie but my real target is Magnolia Salvatore.

I have lunch with my brother and ask him to help me find her once we are done, we find her in her dorm and since my brother's not allowed in the girl's side I go in myself.

"Billie!" She runs to me the moment she sees, "you're alive and here." She stares at me before giving me a hug.

"Hi Lea," I guess me and her were acquitted. "How's the new school?" Unlike my brother who comes home every 2nd weekend, Lea boards full time.

"Good but I wish you came on a Saturday so we could hang out, I have class in 3minutes."

"That's okay, I just have a question for you." We sit on the benches outside her room, "you heard I lost my memory right?" She nods, "well I keep remembering a question that I think you asked me and I want to know why."

"Me?" She points at her chest and I nod.

"Have you ever asked me, how do you get someone to stop hurting the person you love?" her face loses color as she pales.

"Billie-Ann I don't think—"

"—please just tell me the truth because I think there was someone who was getting hurt that we both knew and that was your way of asking for my help."

"I did ask you that," she looks at her fingers. "But I can't say anymore please say you understand," I nod.

"Okay, did we help the person?" I am curious about the bruised boy that haunts my dreams.

"Ask my brother," she stands up as the bell rings. "I have to go but talk to Ryder, tell him you know and that he needs to tell you everything."

"Why him?" I stand with her as she dusts off her dress.

"It was nice seeing you Bills, I'm sorry you and my brother didn't work out" She runs away leaving me stunned.

Me and her brother didn't work? Did she know we kissed?

The ride back to school is filled with silence, I used my lunch period to come here so I nearly miss 5th period when I return to school.

I've been avoiding Ryder since he saw me cry, I don't know why but it made me feel vulnerable but I can't avoid him forever.

Me: Meet me afterschool?

Ryder: Swimming pool?

Me: Perfect.

I shove my phone into my blazer and walk into class, I am determined to find out what my parents died trying to achieve.


Porter took my advice and joined the swimming team, she still has a cast on so she's not allowed in the water which means she's the towel girl for now.

"Hey," I sit next to her on the stands as her teammates practice.

"Hi," she looks around before saying. "So I keep remembering this boy, I think someone was hurting him and I knew about it,"

I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"I think he was important to me and even though I didn't show it, I cared for him very deeply," she looks at the floor.

"Why are you telling me this?" I clear my throat as she locks eyes with me.

"Because I went to see your sister, we talked and she told me everything." Fuck! "And she said you know everything too."

"I have to go," I pick up my bag and stand.

"Ryder!" Billie-Ann stands with me but I don't stop moving, "don't do this."

"Sorry Porter, I have to go call my sister" and scold her for revealing nonsense to strangers who don't even remember her middle name.

"How do you get someone to stop hurting the person you love?" She shouts making me stop.

And just like that I'm back in her room that night, we're fighting about this and I walk out. On my way home I pull out my phone and dial her number, I get her voicemail so I confess everything as I reach our front door.

"You mind your own business and keep your mouth shut Porter!" I don't even look back.

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