CHAPTER 15: Everyone has a story

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Do you know the expression, loose lips sink ships? Well drunk Ryder sank a few last night.

I was so confused when he kissed me not because he did it but because he said, "it's not like we've never kissed before," before doing it again.

When I asked him to elaborate he told me I was his first kiss, me? Billie-Ann Porter was his first kiss ever.

It made sense because when we kissed it felt familiar, good even and then he smiled before blacking out.

I decide to sleep with Augiie and give him space but when I went to use the bathroom, I saw a tattoo I didn't see before behind his neck in typewriter font in a small size that struck a chord.

The pain you've been feeling can't compare to the joy coming, Romans 8:18

It looked like it was done over a rope mark or a burn line, I then noticed the bruises behind his arm this morning as he was wearing the short sleeved shirt and some on his back when I dropped the clothes off in the bathroom as he was showering.

I asked Dash if Ryder was the fighting type when he left after dropping off the uniform but he said he had never seen him in a fight and that he wasn't a violent guy.

So call me curious or nosy but I have a feeling Ryder lied about us knowing each other before because I wasn't surprised when I saw his bruises.

Like I already knew he had them

"First kiss?" He stutters pushing down his sunglasses and I laugh.

"Yeah you said I was your first kiss apparently," I spot Dash walking towards me. "Look like I said we're cool, it's not a big deal."

"Right," he ruffles his wet hair. "I'll see you later Porter." We walk away in different directions.

Luckily all the school can talk about is some senior stripping on the dining table instead of Ryder punching his captain.

At lunch, I catch Ryder and Anderson laughing like it didn't even happen as I join the line to go pay for my food.

"Hey Porter," Ryder catches me between periods. "I got your text, what's up?"

"I want to get the tattoo today," I inform changing out my books.

"Okay? Do you know what?" He leans against a locker and pushes up his sunglasses.

"I was hoping you'd help, I saw the bible verse behind your neck and was hoping you'd help me find one about strength."

I want my tattoo to honor my parents but also the old me, we all died that night.

"Okay, I'll find some for you. You want me to ask Crease to give us a ride after practice?" He types something on his phone.

"Can he? That'd be great and ask if Dash can come?" I close my locker.

"Of course, I'll text you when I find something."

You may be gone from my sight but not gone in my heart and spirit.

It's not a bible verse but when Ryder showed it to me, I immediately knew it was what I wanted on me forever so I got it tatted across my ribcage along with my parent's death date.

And it hurt like a bitch.

Dash wasn't even there because he went to get food with Crease since he can't stand needles and Ryder was in the other room getting another tattoo.

He refused to show what his new tattoo was but I was too excited to do the same.

"I love it!" I wince a little when I hug Ryder and he touches my ribs. "Thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you!" I slap a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

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