CHAPTER 16: Dreams of things that don't exist

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I had a sex dream.

I wake up sweating and aching down there as my teeth chew on my upper lip, I have never had a sex dream before and this one is really intense because it felt like a memory too.

Piercing blue eyes dilated as something thick and long thrusted into me, I sunk my teeth into his shoulder as his rough calloused fingers dug into the back of my thigh.

His hair was soft and dark, it smelled like rainwater while he smelled like water lilies and wet wood. His hands were strong as his mouth feasted on my nipples, I pulled on the strands and did everything till his name fell from my lips just as I woke up.

I try to figure what or who I was thinking about by reading my diary but apparently I kept a lot of secrets even from myself.

I get my first clue when I'm doing laundry at home a week later, I find a t-shirt that smells like water lilies and wet wood. I asses it and its black, high neck and short sleeved.

It two sizes too big to be mine and Aunt Marie's boyfriend doesn't wear t-shirts like this so it must belong to RTS.

"Augs, who does this shirt belong to?" I walk into my brother's room as he packs for school.

"I'm not sure maybe Dash, his crap is everywhere in your room." He doesn't even look up from me.

"Ew, that's not mine." Dash sneers when I ask him the next day at school, "it looks like something the Ackerman cousins would wear or Ryder."


"Why would it be in my room?" I look around for the boys.

"I don't know girl but it ain't mine," he closes his locker and walks away.

He has been in a mood since he caught Crease having sex under the bleachers after a game last Friday, even the mention of his name turns him off.

I want to ask Ryder but his family went to visit some sick aunt and according to his Instagram he is skiing and having the time of his life despite it, which means he won't be back till next week.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to check out the Ackerman cousins but I don't see myself sleeping with either of them despite them being good looking, rich and popular they are really not my type.

Their golden boys act—wait golden boys? As in the golden boys I spent my 4th of July with according to my diary.

"Shit," I stare at the t-shirt again. Maybe I did sleep with one of them.

"How long have you known Billi-Ann!"

"Mom! Please, it's just suspicions. It's probably not true!"

"How long young lady? This is serious!" She rips the page out of my diary and tosses it.

"Please, please don't do this."

"We are going to that house! We are getting that boy and taking him to the police!"


"Listen to your mother Billie-Ann! This has gone way too far, all summer! How could you do this!"


I jolt from my nightmare with sweat dripping down my forehead, I switch on my lamp to check if I woke up my dorm mate who has been nice to me since I moved in, she's a petite freshman with the thickest southern accent I have ever heard.

When I don't see her move, I grab my diary and open it.

I go through every page till I find the parts where my mom ripped off, I didn't even notice it before.

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