CHAPTER 14: Loose Lips

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I'm piss drunk and Meghan's mouth is wrapped around my cock as she blows me in the toilet.

I came to pee but she came in with me and dropped to her knees, I tried to fight it but there was two of her so I sat down and let her do whatever she wanted to me.

I am in so much physical pain and agony, I could scream. I don't even notice when I nut in her mouth till she looks at me with a satisfied grin.

"That was amazing," she says as I stand up and zip my pants.

"Can I piss now?" I slur turning towards the toilet, it's a miracle I didn't pee on her when I came.

"Find me later," she kisses my neck before walking out and I relief myself.

I'm zipping up when the door opens again, "Christ I asked for 5minutes!" I snap thinking its Meghan again.

"Oh sorry," Billie-Ann immediately shuts the door.

Great, I just snapped at the wrong girl.

I wash my hands and splash some water in my face before opening the door but it doesn't do anything because I'm still drunk and say "fuck you look gorgeous" when I see her.

"Thanks," she bites her lower lip.

"Why are you upset?" I block the door when she tries to pass.

"What makes you say—"

"—you're biting your lip." I point and she release it from her teeth. "What's going on?"

She looks around the crowded hall before pushing me in and closing the door, I give her a look when she locks it.

"Some jerk just groped me," she goes to the sink and wash her hands.

"What?" I'm already seeing red.

"He's a senior and its stupid but I didn't like it at all," she splashes water on her face.

"Do you know him?" I push curly strands off my forehead.

"Yeah, I think his name is Anderson," my soccer team captain?

"Let's go," I open the door and grab her hand.

"What? Where are we going?" She struggles to keep up as I move her around the house, I know exactly where my captain is.

I open the library to find him doing lines with some of the boys from the soccer team, we get tested every 2weeks but they get some freshmen to pee in their cups.

"Salvatore? Wassup—" he is cut off by my fist connecting to his face.

"If you ever touch her again, I'll fucking kill you" I kick him when he falls to the ground, "little shit." I spit and walk back to Billie-Ann who stopped at the door.

"What the fuck?" Anderson spits blood from the ground, he might be a senior and the captain but I am the vice-captain.

We run practices together and when he leaves in 3months I'll take over, plus I have Crease and Levi as my back up so he can't do shit to me.

"Her," I point at a stunned Billie-Ann. "STAY. AWAY!" I walk out holding her arm.

"Oh my God," she says once we're outside. "I can't believe—"

"—are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you." I don't like showing people that side of me because it's scares even me.

"You didn't, I was tempted to kick him down when he tried to get up again." She smiles as the wind blows a curly strand over her face, "thank you, that was so cool of you."

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