Chapter Four

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Thinking that I could have gotten better in a matter of one night was obviously my mistake because the next day when I awoke to pray Fajr, my face still resembled a tomato. To my despair, all my siblings had seen it and haven't stopped laughing. Just they wait when I'm better; they'd better be praying their heads are still intact to the rest of their body for laughing at me.

Right now mom wouldn't let me go to school either because she was worried that I would pass it on. However, the look on her face when I begged her if I could go was one to remember. Who would've thought me out of all people would have wanted to go learn.

Well learning isn't exactly why I wanted to go back, but I certainly wasn't going to be telling my mother what I had in mind! Just the thought of telling her scared me; no matter how good my intentions, she would never let me go talking to a boy.

"Umaymah, I'm going to the grocery store. Don't even think about moving from your bed." I heard a my mom shout from all the way downstairs. To be fair, even if I wanted, I couldn't move anyway so there was no point in her telling me.

Although I didn't go school today, I was still awake when I heard my siblings going out the door and not that I liked the screams that came out their mouths every morning, I was looking to see if Shoaib had come out of his house. If he did, I obviously missed it.

Just then my phone decided to ring and even though it was a bad habit, I still picked up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice very much hoarse by the fact I'm ill.

"You do know I saw you gaping at my house this morning right? And you better say you weren't looking for me either." I didn't even need confirmation to know who the voice belonged to; it was pretty obvious Shoaib was on the other end. How did he get my number though?

"Er well actually, I was looking at my siblings walk to school?" Instantly I realised it came out more of a question than a statement which meant I didn't sound convincing at all.

"Of course you were, considering they don't even walk that way." That was another detail I forgot. "Just so you know, I'm finding your new found interest in me really annoying, so stop with the stalking." That really did it though.

"Listen you demented boy, I have no interest in stalking you no matter how hard you may find that. What I am trying to do is help you. There is fine line between those two and I suggest you understand that." I had no idea why this boy brought out the worst in me, but this was the second time in two where I lashed out on him. Should I be apologising?

I didn't get a reply for a few seconds, in fact I heard a rather loud smashing sound and it wouldn't be a surprise to me that he broke something because of what I had just said. So, I'm quick tempered; sue me.

"I don't need help, especially from you. Also that dinner you invited my family to, don't even think for a minute I'll be attending." It was harsh but I wasn't one to show him it got to me.

"Don't come then, I'm neither forcing you nor did I specifically ask you to join us. But I want to know how you got my number." By now my tone of voice had completely changed to being cold but I also wanted to know how he called me.

"There's a lot of gains leading a life like this. Maybe if you knew, you wouldn't be so damn persistent on me trying to change my ways." And that was when I had officially had enough of him. Ending the call, I fought the urge to throw my phone across the room.

It all made sense to me. If I hadn't decided to get involved with Shoaib, I wouldn't be losing my temper like this. This wasn't what I wanted, but perhaps I had to continue like this in order for him to change. If he wanted to be stubborn then two can play at that game.

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