Chapter Fifteen

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Just as the bell rang for school, I found myself heading to the parking lot waiting for Shoaib so we could go. People around me still stared, much to my disappointment, but I let it go considering that would have been me too if I saw the sudden drastic changes in Shoaib.

No more than two minutes later Shoaib himself emerged from the crowds and made his way towards me with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Simple things like that still made him look good and I wondered how he did it without having to put any effort in.

"Ready to go?" He asked as we both slid inside the warm car. The smell of expensive leather and his addicting cologne hit me as I sighed, content with the warmth of the car.

"In a bit." I was excited to go but for a few minutes I just wanted to stay in the car while it wasn't moving.

"Are you okay?" I felt his finger brush my cheeks as my eyes were still closed.

"I feel so tired. Today's definitely worn me out." I said with my eyes still closed.

The obvious stares and whispers were too much for me to handle on a Monday morning. To top it off, nearly killing Maryam while she had her hands on my husband tired and aggravated me even more.

"We can always go another time." He suggested.

As much as I wanted to say 'no' and go to our parents house, it felt like it would only take five minutes of being inside that I would have dozed off into a deep slumber. He was right, we should go another time. Preferably when I would be in my right senses.

"Urgh I just want to go home." I whined and heard him chuckle beside me.

The car started and without a word he drove while my eyes remained shut. Sleep didn't come and instead I felt myself relaxing while the car sped home and the sound of Shoaib's steady breathing beside me calmed me more. Like always though, I wasn't one to stay quiet for very long.

"So how did you find it today then?" He turned around to look at me before turning his attention back on the road.

"Like you don't already know." He scoffed with a small smile on his lips which in return made me smile too.

"No. I know how it was for me though. Annoyingly tired and stressful with people testing my patience levels to a point where I wanted to strangle them. But how about you?" He laughed at that and I felt myself smirking.

"Remind me to never get you mad. And well I learnt stuff today so it was good. Well apart from what happened at lunch."

"Next time I wouldn't mind swinging at her." I said truthfully and bitterness dripping in my voice.

Never had I been so angry and protective over someone until now and it scared me. If I wanted to scratch her face for just touching him and being close, I wonder what I would have done if she did anything else. This boy brought out the good and bad in me.

"Next time I won't stop you." The car came to a halt outside the house and I groaned, not wanting to get up. "Want me to carry you?" I could just imagine the smirk on his face as he said that.

"I'll manage." I said and unwillingly got out the car with my bag trailing behind me on the floor.

The sight of that must have made Shoaib laugh as I heard him behind me. Ignoring him I opened the door and walked to the living room where I fell on one of the coaches, glad that it was comfortable and soft beneath me.

"I'll be right back." I watched him put his bag down on the small table in front of me and head upstairs.

I was about to close my eyes again when a piece of paper caught my eye. It was sticking out of his bag and normally I wouldn't be interested in what this was, because it could have been homework, but from where I was sitting I had a clear view that it was a letter addressed to him.

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