Chapter Thirteen

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Ahead of me stood fifteen boys beaming at me. Some looked older while some were younger than me, but they for sure looked happy to see me. Unlike last time, I wasn't being dragged inside the house with all sorts of weapon threatening to slice my throat.

"It's finally good to meet you. And we're sorry about before." A frown came upon the boy as he spoke, followed by everyone else.

"Don't worry about it, it was my fault anyway. So, are you going to introduce yourselves?" I asked with a smile changing the topic and Shoaib squeezed my hand that was in his to show I was doing good.

Like promised he had prayed but he still had to recite Quran to me when we got home. I was looking forward to it and he knew this too.

"I'm Max, this is Carlos, Aidan, Luke, Ali, Ben, Hamza, Jamal, Diego, Drake, Nick, Brett, Chris, Aaron and finally Matt." I tried keeping up as he went down the line telling me everyone's name, but there was just too many.

"I think I'm going to need reminding." I groaned and placed my face in my hands while everyone laughed at me.

We had already been here for half an hour and watched everyone eat and because of that I decided to leave all introductions till the end. I didn't want to disturb them from eating as I knew the feeling of wanting to eat. Sighing, I turned to face Shoaib.

"I was thinking, maybe they could come down every Sunday or something for a meal." I looked at him to try and figure out if he was happy or not. Well just my luck as he had a smile.

"That's a great idea. You can go out in the car and I'll come in a minute." I gave a nod and with a wave at the boys I left the house to the car.

Today was much colder than yesterday and as I sat in the car, I fumbled with the band of rings on my fourth finger. I wasn't used to jewellery and the rings weren't compulsory, but I wanted to wear them. All in all I was liking just how this day has turned out.

The fact that I had been married for a day seemed normal and not at all awkward like I thought it would have before. There was always that little bickering, but it was all play so it made things more fun - at least I hoped it was.

I heard the car door open and I gave Shoaib a smile while he took his place in the drivers seat and started the car. Immediately my hand went to switch the heaters on, seeing that little bits of frost were starting to form outside, making me shiver.

"That went better than I thought." His voice rang throughout the car as he began driving out of town.

"I know, didn't expect them to welcome me so easily." I admitted.

"Well you're the new part of our family, they have no choice but to." Him being nice was just so weird to me. I was used to his typical rude behaviour, but this change was definitely nice. We needed to go to our parents soon to show his new improved attitude.

Multiple times in the day I thought whether he was putting up an act just to get me off his back but I always let those thoughts go. I didn't want to ruin what had happened so far if I brought up - he might get angry and knowing his temper, the niceness wouldn't last long at all towards me or these new changes for that matter.

Though we had become 'friends', there was no romance between us. He held my hand a few times but that was all I would allow. Until I felt he completely changed without me reminding him of his duties then maybe we could be a real couple.

"We're here now." He gave me a slight push and I unbuckled myself to get out the car and moved quickly to get inside the house where it was actually warm.

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