Chapter Seven

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It's unbelievable how after aunty Aliza stating I was old enough to get married, mom had already brought five suitors in the past month hoping that I would say 'yes' to one of them. One being ten years older than me and one only wanting to get married just for a green card. It took all the willpower I had in me to not remember their faces. There was no problem with their situation, but after I had been forcefully made to talk to them I had come to a conclusion that they couldn't be a person who would eventually love me or vice versa.

Currently there was no one home and I was honestly glad for it. This past month had been hectic with me and Abdullah trying to sneak meals for the boys everyday; I was surprised no one had noticed us yet. Contributing to the fact that I had been made to choose a decent boy who I might have a future with, all to which I said 'no' to. I didn't even remember giving my consent to marriage but mom knew better; I may not talk about it as often as I used to, but she knew that I've always wanted to settle down with a big family. Maybe this is why she's being a crazy match maker this past month.

After the last person I declined, I think mom was starting to understand that she needed to higher her standards - which is why she's out again with one of my aunties seeing who had a son available for me. When she told me of her plans I wanted to laugh thinking that she was joking, but being my mom, there was no joking unfortunately.

Just when I decided to take a stroll in the kitchen for food, I heard the doorbell ring. Luckily enough a spare hijab was hanging by the row of coats and I slipped it on, also grateful that I was wearing suitable clothing.

"Asalaamalaikum." Every time I opened the door, I would say this, not even knowing who would be at the other side. It didn't matter though because I was being respectful and that should count for something.

"Oh Walaikumasalaam. Your mom told me you'd be home alone today so I decided to drop by with some food." I looked ahead surprised that aunty Aliza was actually standing at my front door. This was definitely unexpected.

"You didn't have to do that! But please come in." With that I opened the door a little wider to make space for her petite frame to enter the house and sit down on one of our couches while placing the tub of food she had with her on the table.

"Come sit down, it's your own house." I obediently did as I was told and took a seat next to her.

"So how have you been? Is uncle and the kids alright? Shoaib?" Truth be told, the boy hadn't turned up for school for an entire month and I had a right to be worried.

"We're all okay Alhamdulilah but I came here to talk to you about Shoaib. I'm worried about him." Her voice was low and without a doubt I realised the worry that was laced in them. "It's just that we've tried our best to help him but he's so stubborn; a streak he got from both his parents but in this case it's not a good thing."

"I understand, but what have I got to do with it?" I was curious.

She looked at me with a smile and placed her hand on my arm. "I hear your mothers been looking for suitors for you." My eyes grew wide awaiting what she was going to say next and she saw this too. "Don't be afraid! I know this is a hard concept but I want you to get married to Shoaib, of course if you agree. I understand if you don't but the day when we came over, he behaved differently and when I asked him about it, he only replied it was because you were present." She now stopped talking, giving me a chance to absurd everything she had just said to me.

She wanted me to marry Shoaib. No matter how many time I repeated it in my head, I still couldn't comprehend this fact, or that it was because of me he was behaving.

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