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Light flooded inside the room as I twisted and turned in order to get some more sleep. These days it felt like I never got enough sleep while trying to balance looking after Laila, the twins Aaliyah and Ilyas as well as the newest addition to our now big family, Karim.

"Come on baby, get up please." I felt Shoaib's voice tickle my ear but I ignored it wanting to savour a few more moments of peace.

"Mm." Was the only thing that managed to come out of my mouth as I swatted my husband away from me. Unfortunately he wasn't taking 'no' for an answer today and I felt myself being heaved up from the bed, instantly making my eyes flutter open.

Strings of curse words flew out of my mouth as I glared at Shoaib while rubbing my eyes to try and be more awake. He smiled at me sheepishly while he held an amused Karim in his hands; he had just began to laugh.

"I'm sorry but can you make breakfast? My hands are full at the moment." Just then the twins decided to barge into the room chasing one another with Laila hot on their tails. I didn't have time to say anything before all 3 jumped in the bed and pushed me down.

Laughter ran out of their mouths as the twins sat on top of me and Laila watched, giggling away. I wanted to tell them off but in reality it made me happy to see my babies smile (even if they were hurting me in the process). I took this time to just look at their faces.

Aaliyah and Ilyas were identical twins and they definitely got their eyes from their father - the same hazel ones with a hint of green specks. However Aaliyah, whose hair had now grown a lot, had curly, untameable hair like my own and Laila's. Ilyas took after his father yet again.

"Okay guys, off mommy now. We need to make breakfast." They began squealing and I picked the two up in my arms, giving them a kiss each.

One by one the room began clearing away until it was just Shoaib, Karim and I in the room again. I let out a yawn and stretched my arms above my head before turning to the two.

"Morning baby." I said in a high pitched voice and had the satisfaction of seeing Karim laugh again while Shaoib chuckled at us two. He handed me the baby and I gratefully took him in my arms.

"Luckily he's been quiet today." Shoaib commented as he stifled a yawn with the back of his hands.

Looking at Shoaib I wondered how he still managed to look drool worthy at ten in the morning after he'd been running after 4 kids all by himself, while I looked horrible. Truthfully he still looked the same as all those years ago which annoyed me when we went out, mostly because girls still did a double take after looking at him.

"Well that's a good boy." I said with a smile and pinched the little baby's cheeks making him squirm.

We both went down the stairs with me holding Karim and Shoaib's hand slyly placed on my back, which seemed to go lower with every step we took. As we reached the bottom, I playfully pushed his hand away though he just placed a lingering kiss on my cheek and walked towards the kids with a wink.

Shaking my head at his childishness, I walked in the kitchen where surprisingly everything was in order. No stray bits of cereal on the floor, crayons littering the place or milk scattered on the table. It was oddly clean considering we had 4 kids present in the house.

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