Chapter Fourteen

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The sun shine bright in the sky but mine and Shoaib's mood wasn't very pleasant. We learnt something new about each other, and that was that neither of liked mornings. Or Monday. Or waking up on a Monday for school. Because we lived further away, we had to wake up a little earlier than usual.

Still we smiled and now I waited for him to come down as I made omelettes for the both of us. Thankfully my cooking skills were good and Shoaib seemed to think so as well. The sound of him coming through the kitchen door made me look up at him.

"We need to hurry and eat otherwise we'll be late." I said and passed him his plate along with a glass of water.

"Do we really need to go? We can always miss..." He trailed off, not finishing his sentence after seeing the warning look I sent his way.

"Yes we do have to go. It's our senior year and I won't let you miss days unless you're actually dying." I stated and saw his look of horror.

Completely ignoring it I finished eating and poured myself a glass of water while he ate. The sounds of water splashing was the only sound heard as I washed the dishes and waited for him to finish so he can pass me his plate.

Although I didn't want to go school myself, I knew I had to or else I'd get a serious beating from Assia for not being there as well as missing a whole load of work. The former scared me the most though, but I was excited to see my best friend after these two days that had just went past.

Turning around I grabbed my bag and saw Shoaib do the same. "So you'll stay the whole day right?" I asked and he gave me a nod that seemed to have taken a lot of effort.

I chuckled and we both got out the house and rushed in the car in an attempt to not stay in the cold for very long. The coat I was wearing could only keep me warm for so long unfortunately. Once seated in the car and the ignition turned on, I turned around to look at Shoaib.

"Do you think there's gonna be a lot of whispering today?" I asked in an attempt to make conversation.

"Obviously. It's not everyday you see my handsome self holding hands with a girl." It was pretty funny but I still ended up whacking his arm for sounding so full of himself.

This boy.

"Er no, more like you don't see someone as beautiful as me every walking in with someone as ugly as you." Safe to say I was now a victim of several poking from Shoaib.

We both laughed and made fun of each other in the rest of the half an hour journey to school. It was a long way but we barely paid attention to that considering our conversation was more interesting and funny.

The drive eventually came to end though and the gates of school came into view as he pulled up into the parking lot. It was never unusual for people to stay quiet when Shoaib came into school, but their stares and unspoken silence seemed more intense now that I had stepped out the car with him, his hands in mine.

"They won't stop staring." I whispered over to him but he looked unfazed about the whole situation.

"Staring is all they know how to do. Don't pay them attention." Was his words of wisdom to me and I decided to listen and carry on walking inside.

The walk inside was short and I could spot my locker from the end of the hallway. What I could also spot was a figure leaning against it and a pile of textbooks in their hand, looking around impatiently. Assia.

A squeal almost left my mouth but I composed myself in order to not scare Shoaib and the already frightened looking people around us in the hallway.

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