Chapter Nine

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The next morning came by too quickly for my liking considering I had school to go to. This week had definitely been interesting as word had gone round that I was to get married off to Shoaib. Some looked scared at the sight of me, some confused and some even jealous that I had gotten the 'good looking' boy of the town to myself. Little did they know I wasn't bothered by the way he looked - what he acted like was more of my concern than anything else.

Right now in class Maryam had been glaring at me non stop for five minutes. I didn't know what her problem was but it was starting to annoy me. A lot. It was her luck that the teacher still hasn't come in class but that didn't mean I wouldn't use it to my advantage either.

"Can I help you? Or are you just trying to take in what it looks like to be naturally beautiful?" Because she was at the other side of the class to me, I had to raise my voice just a bit so she could hear. The problem with that was everyone in the class had heard too and the conversation they were once engaged in had stopped.

I could see her fists were clenched as if trying to stop herself from pouncing on me though I knew she wouldn't anyway. Wouldn't want to get those fake nails of her damaged.

"I suggest you shut up and go back to thinking of ways to steal others' mans." She looked proud of herself and the cronies she called 'friends' gave her a pat on the back as a well done. Her little comeback didn't phase me.

"And whose man have I stolen?" I was testing her and I knew it. Like myself, Maryam too had a short temper and the reason I knew this was because she had once been the girl I willingly spent my free time with and got to know.

"Mine; that's who! Back off Shoaib, you understand?" She was now standing up, rage clearly evident on her face, but unlike some around me, I found the situation all too funny.

"He's not 'yours'. Never was, never is and never will be." Everyone knew what I said was true. Although girls would kill to be with him, he avoided every girl in this school like a plague. Just because he did that though, didn't mean he wasn't used to having girls. So, it would have been hard for Maryam to even claim that he's hers.

Silence. Nothing else came out of her mouth but she was still giving me dirty looks. Oh if looks could kill, I wouldn't ever want to see that face of hers again. Except her disturbingly angered face expression changed as soon as the door opened to reveal Mr Joinson walking in followed by an irritated looking Shoaib.

My face must have been etched out in surprise to see the boy even come to school. A month had passed and he didn't show as well as this week - a bit unusual though to come back on a Thursday. Just as quick as my head whipped to see who had come in, it was back down staring at the empty desk I was sat at.

"Maryam why are you up from your seat?" I stifled a laugh at Mr Joinson's question because I knew she wouldn't dare to say what had just happened. I didn't hear her say anything but the scraping of chairs told me that she had sat down again.

"Aside of my lateness I would like someone to give Shoaib their notes as he has missed a large amount of work from his absence." Uh oh. I was the only person who ever bothered to take notes but I am not sharing notes with him.

I looked around the room and everyone was copying my actions knowing they were guilty of not having notes in the first place. Rolling my eyes at how lazy seniors could be, I looked down on my desk again.

"Come on, are you saying no one here has been taking notes?" Silence. I didn't want sir to feel bad and think he didn't have good enough lessons to take notes on, but if I admitted I had notes then me and Shoaib would have to share. Those actions will then lead to a fight and there was no denying that. "Wait Umaymah I always see you writing things. Shoaib take a seat next to her please."

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