Chapter Twenty Two

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As I sat with a coconut in my hands I watched Shoaib waltzing around in the kitchen - he had insisted that tonight was going to be perfect while I simply rolled my eyes at him and continued to watch the collection of Disney movies that we had available. At that he called me a child which I ignored.

"You don't have to do that much." I pointed out to him while taking a long slip from the straw in the coconut.

The maid, which I had grown to love, was familiar with this island and I was surprised when she managed to climb a tree and get us down some coconuts. That, and Shoaib's mans pride was also hurt because he couldn't climb the tree without sliding right back down.

"I don't but I will. Knowing you, you're gonna finish all this food without me." He said and laughed at his little joke while I gave him a glare.

"Whatever, I'm going to get changed." I said and got up from one of the kitchen stools I was sitting on and disregarded the coconut into the bin.

Walking into our room I realised how much fun we had already had on the first day of just being here, and now I had to get ready for our dinner. I was looking forward to it because all afternoon Shoaib wouldn't leave the kitchen and would only give me short replies, much to my annoyance, every time I talked to him.

I walked in through the walk in closet to find myself surrounded by my holiday clothes and the amount of it made it impossible to choose what to wear. It ranged from every possible bright colour which I would never wear back home, but took an exception for this trip.

My eyes finally landed on a floor length white dress that I had managed to store all the way at the back. After I had unsuccessfully tried on every single dress, this one was the best for a romantic dinner. And so I slipped the dress on and for the fun of it, twirled around, clutching the ends of the dress in my hands.

I almost felt like a child again and my reflection agreed with me as my hair was awfully messy and my face looked a little too plain. This isn't how I wanted to go out like and after looking around for my make up bag, I settled myself in front of the mirror and began applying products.

There wasn't much on my face, but enough to make it look like I made an effort. Plus I also wanted to look good for this evening, so I had to look brighter than my usual self. After I was done with my face I debated on what to do with my hair. Just like my hijab, I was also good at styling my hair, but it was impossible to think of what to do with the curly mess.

Minutes later with yet no idea of what to do, I decided to leave it as its natural self before running a painful brush through it. It wasn't the best but I didn't want to be any longer than I was already taking.

"My, my. Shoaib might just drool looking at you tonight." I said to myself before taking a final look in the mirror and with the urge of yet another twirl.

Exiting the room, I made sure to follow his instructions and go out to the back where the dinner was going to be taking place. As I stepped outside a single table fitted for two people was perched on the sand with Shoaib standing there.

He stood there with a suit which I have no idea how he was pulling off in this heat and held his arms at his back, smiling at me, beckoning me to join him. And so I walked over to him, grateful that he didn't go through the romantic cliche of candles and rose petals.

"You look nice." I complimented before taking a seat which he pulled out for me.

"Not as good as yourself." He said with a wink and seated himself opposite me.

This time I took the liberty of looking at what was on the table, and to my surprise a full three course dinner awaited us. From soup to chicken stir fry and finally cheesecake.

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