Chapter Twenty Six

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Lightning and thunder crashed in the sky making me jump involuntarily at the sound - it didn't make it any better knowing that I was all alone in a huge mansion with no one to keep me company this eventful night. I had been asked to stay in my room and try and get some sleep by Martha, but with this ruckus, I doubt sleep would come soon.

"Hello?" My head whipped up to my door which the sound came from. I cautiously slipped out of the velvety, soft bed and slipped on my hijab before opening the door.

There stood with Mr Colton still in his suit from earlier on looking down at me because of our major height difference. He had a frown etched on his face making it known that he wasn't happy. Then again, the times I have spent with this man, he was never happy and I was beginning to think if he ever is.

"Yeah?" I asked out to him once I opened the door of the room fully and he went in, pushing past me.

'Well then.' I mentally scoffed at his rudeness. Even though it was his house, he could still have the decency to to ask for permission before going into someone's bedroom. I also didn't fully trust this man and so I kept the door open before following his trail inside.

He sat on the edge of my bed while looking up at me, meanwhile I kept my distance and leaned against the wall opposite him. I didn't know why he was in here, but I hoped that he wasn't going to cross his boundaries by being here.

"Not to be rude or anything, but why are you here?" I asked bluntly, well aware that I was actually being rude. Ever since earlier on when Mr Colton left, I knew something fishy was up because he couldn't have just bought me and left.

He raised a brow at me and proceeded to take his blazer off which left me wide eyed in wonder as to what he was doing. His actions couldn't mean nothing more than him being hot and relieving that - that's what I tried telling myself at least.

"We need to talk." He stated and after a moment of deliberation he carried on talking, "you're not here for the normal errands a girl does when she is bought. Though that would be nice." A devil like smirk appeared on his face which disgusted me, but I kept my mouth shut.

"Why am I here then?" I asked in a monotone in an attempt to not show any emotions to his words.

He now looked amused which scared me as to what he was about to say; whatever it was, it would leave me in a state of shock, that's for sure.

"Don't you wonder why your sister isn't the same happy person as she used to be?" At the mention of my sister I stood up straight and narrowed my eyes at the man in front of me, "it's a pity that she chose to stay out late one night and I happened to have bought her -"

"YOU WHAT?!" I cut him with a sudden outburst that caught him off guard. My hands were clenched and all I wanted to do at that moment was to strangle this man just so that he could feel what he makes other go through.

"Let me finish." He said abruptly and I tried calming myself down even though he didn't deserve it. With deep breaths, I closed my eyes and with a hand motioned for him to continue. "I didn't do anything to her because that's when your husband and his little gang of friends saved her and the other girls Ross was selling off that night. He could have killed me on the spot if he wanted to, but he didn't. Instead I owed him big time and so this is me repaying it."

His words sunk in and I began taking in what exactly he was talking about. Sure enough a gasp of surprise left my mouth as I understood that by Shoaib letting him go alive, he owed him a favour - a favour which he was completing now by getting me away from Ross.

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