Chapter Twelve

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Darkness greeted me as soon as I had my eyes peeled open, trying to turn my alarm off for Fajr. Just because I couldn't pray did not mean that my husband could miss his prayers either. It was me bleeding, not the other way round.

One things for sure, Shoaib was a really deep sleeper considering he didn't awake from the sounds of the alarm. Turning the lamp on from the bedside table I shifted to look at the boy sleeping beside me; somehow the pillows that were separating us were scattered all over the bed, and one was under Shoaib's arm as he slept.

"Shoaib wake up." I pushed him gently and hoped that he would open his eyes, but all I got was a grunt and him pushing my hands away.

Looks like I would have to be doing this the hard way. Stepping out of bed I made my way to his side, but not before looking at my reflection. My hijab was way too messy so fixing it seemed like a good idea, but also my shirt had risen up to my belly button. After looking decent I proceeded to awake sleeping beauty from his slumber.

"SHOAIB WAKE UP THERES SOMEONE TRYING TO GET IN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I tried waking him with a lie.

It worked pretty well and his sleeping figure must have been in shock as I watched him stumble on to the ground and making his way back up on his feet frantically looking around the room. The laugh that was threatening to come out somehow stayed in and I took in how his hair was now messed up and his eyes which were half open.

"Who, who's trying to get in?" A yawn came out from him and he sat back down in the bed.

"Shaytaan because someone here isn't ready to pray Fajr." My arms were crossed over my chest and I looked at him to see he was glaring at my direction.

"I. Am. Not. Praying." He took his time saying every word as if that was going to stop me from getting him to do what I wanted.

"You're. Going. To." I didn't give him time to say anything else as I pulled his arm making him stand. He lost his balance for a split second but redeemed it and stood perfectly still in front of me.

"And you're going to make me? I'd like to see you try." Confidence oozed out of every word he said. I mostly definitely did not miss the threat that he came out with either.

"Well unless you want all your baby pictures going round the whole school, I suggest you get a move on bad boy." The thought of the scrapbook came back to and it was perfect to get him to do what I wanted.

His eyes widened a bit. "How did you get those?" He questioned.

"You seriously think your mom wouldn't give me them?" I answered and then sighed. "Listen I don't want to threaten you to you pray. It's a great way to start the day and afterwards you'll notice how in peace you are. Just for once don't argue with me." I pleaded.

He looked at me but said nothing. Instead he walked past me and what I presumed, to the bathroom. A squeal left my mouth and I practically skipped to the prayer room, eager to get a thobe out for him and place a prayer mat in the right direction so all was set. Now all I had to do was wait for him to come.

Just in time I heard the bathroom door open and the sight of water dripping from him came into view. Hm, he must've forgotten to dry himself off.

"Do you need a towel?" I asked with a smile upon my face as he took the thobe from my outstretched hand and placed it on himself.

"I thought you were the holy one. It's more beneficial to stay wet from your wudhu than drying yourself off." He scoffed but turned all his focus on the prayer mat in front of him.

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