Chapter Two

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Mom's words echoed in my ears: 'We've ran out of Nutella'.

First day of school and the most disastrous thing that could have happened actually occurred, and instead of maybe borrowing some from the neighbours like I usually do – well, steal, same difference; I'm here on the floor of my room reciting a somewhat angry Dua to Allah SWT. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't angry at Allah for me finishing the jar, I was angry because my sister had to come into my room a mere two minutes ago with her own jar and saying she won't give me any.

Sighing I got off the floor with a new found attitude to discard my sisters awful behaviour towards my needs and decided to get ready. The outfit chosen for me by Assia was laid on the back of my chair and before anyone else could claim the bathroom, I took the bunch of clothes and hopped inside to have a shower. There was nothing like a hot shower to make you feel ready for school, but the motivation to get through it was obviously by praying Fajr in the morning.

Even though I felt like I was ready to be going back to school, I knew I was just lying to myself. Same old people with the same old attitude I would have to be facing throughout the year and having Assia by my side just wasn't enough. That's the thing about Stanley High School – no matter how hard you try to fit in with the people while having your own opinions just wasn't accepted.

Oh well, things like this weren't worth thinking about I told myself as I wrapped a hijab around my head and grabbing my bag to do downstairs. As usual there was chaos in the kitchen which made me smile. Zakariya, my brother was arm wrestling my younger brother Mohammed and I found the perfect opportunity to take his glazed doughnut to make up for not having any Nutella. I would've sneaked up to him to grab the doughnut, but I knew there was no chance he would notice and he actually didn't. Smiling to myself with the doughnut in hand, I kissed mom and dad on the cheek and left the house to make way to the gates of school.

There couldn't have been a better moment than walking to school on my own while hearing birds chirping above me on the trees, but obviously good things don't always last and as I approached the turning to the school gates a sticky sensation hit my arm. Looking down to see the damage, a whole blob of custard was on the sleeve of my leather jacket. I knew something like this was going to happen, so instead of letting out a shriek, I brushed it off and took a handkerchief out my pocket and wiped away the gunk on my sleeve. The laughter could be heard a mile away and as I looked up, I saw exactly who I thought it would be.

Maryam wasn't someone I always got along with and because I hated the way she dressed, acted and spoke, she always thought she could pick on me along with her little gang of popular friends. So obviously, I didn't doubt that she was the one who filled a balloon with custard and threw it at me. To be honest, her tricks were just lame and if I wanted to, I could have done so much worse to her, but the sake of friendship our parents had and knowing that she would tell them if I did anything wrong, I put my head down and always pretended she never does anything wrong to me. If only our families weren't close though.

Passing by them their laughter still hadn't died down and catching a glimpse at them, no one had even a bit of sympathy towards me. I wouldn't say I got picked on by them, but they didn't exactly make high school any better place to be at. Maryam got overwhelmed by the thought of being popular that her hijab flew out the window and the person who I knew respected her the most, doesn't even want to hear her name being uttered anymore.

Thank fully by the time I reached my locker, there wasn't any trace of custard left on my arm, even though I could still feel the wetness of it. My textbooks which I had left in here over a month ago was back in sight and I took them out and headed to homeroom where I could get some rest. The rest of days at school I would have put my feet up and demand food from people, but since it was the first day and I was wearing a dress, the thought of food would have to wait for lunch. Now that we were seniors, we were allowed to have lunch before anyone else and extra free periods were allowed this year which is something I'm totally up for.

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