Chapter Three

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Speeding down the hallway faster than I imagined I have ever done before, I came closer to the fields where Shoaib had told Thomas to meet him. To be fair, I didn't know what to expect and whether or not I was going to like it, but I still had to save this boy before his 'pretty' face got ruined.

I was now on the fields and even though it was a beautiful day, it certainly didn't feel like it. Looking around, I noticed I was the only person out here; could he have hurt him so quickly? Or was I simply too early too watch this fight?

"Ya Allah, can this boy hurry? I have lunch too eat!" I did mentally scowl at myself after saying that though. One because I had so stupidly said it out loud and also because food happened to be on my mind at this point.

Nevertheless a familiar voice who I knew belonged to Shoaib rang in my ears.

"Don't you worry, I just have something to sort out and I'll be there ten minutes tops. Need to teach someone a lesson." I didn't have to see his face to know that he had a smirk on his face while saying that last part.

This was now or never though. Either I go to him before Thomas gets here or try to stop him once he's here. Lets face it though, I doubt I could even stop him while he used the boy as a punching bag.

"Salaam Akh." I cautiously stepped away from the shadows that I had no idea I'd even gone near and faced a rather surprised Shoaib who towered over me.

He didn't reply at first but eventually something came out of his mouth. "What are you doing here?" was all I seemed to have gotten from him.

It didn't help that I wanted to scold him for being so rude and not reply to my 'salaam' but I went against doing that as I knew the outcome would probably consist of me embarrassing myself.

"Oh, er I'm here to say that whatever you have planned to do to Thomas isn't necessary. So yeah, if you would kindly just go now." Awkwardly I cleared my throat thinking that was the lamest thing that has ever come out my mouth.

He looked at me & a bellowing laugh was the next thing I heard coming from him. "That was sweet, but if you don't mind, this has nothing to do with you. It's MY business to take care of." The emphasis on 'my' certainly did not go unnoticed by me.

"Well it now is my business because I made the effort to come out here and stop you from doing something you will regret. That is, if you had common sense to see that violence isn't the way to solve things!" It had come out my mouth without me thinking and now that I thought about it, I regretted very much saying it.

My patience wasn't one to last long and because of that I had a scary boy glaring at me as if he could hurt me on the spot. Though he could, I doubt he would.

"Listen Umaymah, I don't need your approval of what I do. Just stay out of this." His teeth was clenched and all thoughts of having a nice conversation to stop him from being violent flew away. What ever happened to acting mature and using words than fists?

"But-" I didn't even get the chance to finish my sentence as I saw him walking away from the fields and to the parking lot. I knew I had no right to be talking to him without a third person but violence wasn't something tolerated in Islam either; in fact, I would be doing him a huge favour if he just heard me out rather than being childish and walking away.

As stupid as I was, and trust me there was no limit to it, I ran after the boy making sure not to trip. This day definitely not been successful to far. I hadn't even run this much in PE in my entire years of education that I had today, and that was saying something.

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