Chapter Twenty Five

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The sound of scraping metals was what was constantly making me squirm - it was torture just having to listen to the sound while my head was pounding. If I could get myself to move, I would have stopped the noise immediately, though my arms would only move an inch and instantly pain would shoot up my limbs. Whatever I had been drugged with must have been was strong.

There was no knowing how long I had been sprawled on the floor in the darkness, though it was a very long time. No one came down to see if I was awake, nor did they bring me any food or water - though I probably wouldn't take it in anyway. I had imagined the scar faced man to have come down here to check up on me, but it looks like he didn't care either. All he had to do was kidnap me and he'd done his job. At least one of us was free to go.

Thump, thump, thump

Being in the dark had somehow heightened my senses and I picked up the sound of footsteps approaching quite quickly. Unfortunately the pain in my limbs made it impossible for me to sit up straight so that whoever was coming down here couldn't see me in a such a feeble position.

I decided to stay laying down and at the moment the door opened will full force, hitting the wall and creating a loud bang. A hiss left my mouth at the impact of the noise which made my head throb - it was even worse that I couldn't use my hands to massage my temple to numb the pain a little.

Light flooded through the room from where the door had opened and I squinted my eyes, lifted my head and moved just a little so that I could see who was in the doorway. What I saw wasn't what I expected at all; I expected someone dressed in all black with a gun and I guess this was the stereotype of a kidnapper, but what I saw definitely did not fill that description.

Standing there was a man, no older than 23 perhaps, dressed in a navy blue suit with shaggy brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He looked like he just came from a business meeting rather than coming to meet his hostage that he was keeping captive. There was a smirk plastered on his face that told me he was up to no good.

"I see you're awake." He stated the obvious and I all but glared at him until he carried on talking, "I come with a proposition for you." That got my interest but I knew I had to be careful with a man like this.

"What do you want?" I asked him, my voice coming out hoarse from lack of water and being knocked out.

This time he came closer and once he was directly in front of me, he bent down to my height and lifted my chin up. This drug had me cowering in pain from all over my body, and so a hiss left my mouth at the contact of skin.

"For you freedom, all you have to do is let your husband come get you. Though, you'll be the only one leaving." My eyes widened at his words and despite knowing what my movements will cause, I shook my head fiercely and felt his hand drop away from my chin.

"Never! I don't care for your proposition. I'd never leave him like that." I spat at him, my words dripping with venom, mirroring how much anger I felt by his words.

He looked thoughtful for a second, the smirk he had a few seconds ago, vanishing. "Well if that's your decision." He said and stood up. For a moment I thought he would leave me down here and never bother me again, but of course fate is too cruel for that to happen. "Get her ready and bring her upstairs to the drawing room. Make sure she looks drool worthy." His words were directed to a blonde than I didn't notice, had stepped in the room.

His words left me in confusion as to why I needed to look the way he wanted me to but I had no time to protest as the blonde had already snapped open my chains. The man left and the blonde stared down at me with distaste in her face.

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