Chapter Eleven

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As soon as the alarm I had set went off I was dragged out of bed by no other than my mom and older sister. There was no denying the fact that they were excited, but I didn't like that it had barely been five minutes and they were already getting me to do things. Procrastination even on my wedding day.

"I can walk by myself!" My voice was husky from sleep and all I wanted than anything was to be back between my sheets where it was warm.

"We don't care. Everyone else is awake and you have ten minutes to have a shower before we come and bang on the door, okay?" What a way to greet the soon to be bride on her wedding day (!) I didn't bother fighting with Jasmine and instead I hopped in the bathroom ready for my shower.

Just as she warned, ten minutes later she was outside the door demanding for me to come out. Gladly I opened the door; I was in a better mood than I was ten minutes ago and gave her a cheerful smile. Having a shower really helped me relax and focus. The smells of berries erupted from me and it was soothing to me.

She seem to notice this too and gave me a smile back. No words were exchanged as she took me back into my room where my dress was laid into the bed, still wrapped up. The urge to peak was strong but I figured I would get to see it soon anyway. My dress wasn't the only thing in my room - Assia, mom and Jasmine were busy bustling round my empty room doing whatever it is they were doing.

"Argh, Umaymah I can't believe you're finally getting married!" Finally? I brushed it off but hugged Assia back as this was the first proper greeting today.

"I know right. What a lucky boy Shoaib is to have me." I flicked a piece of my hair and they all laughed. Safe to say I was far from nervous and more vein than necessary.

"Get over yourself. On a serious note though, we need you in that dress with your make up and hijab done all in two hours. Don't even think of moving or else I'm hitting you."

Two hours was a very long time to spend on getting ready but I knew better than to protest at this moment. It was the first time someone in this house was getting married and to go over the top was to be expected. Nonetheless I sat down and waited for them to start.

All over my face I felt brushes dabbing on me and like Assia wanted, I stayed put and tried not to move. The three of them were talking to each other about the events of today and occasionally I would get a question thrown at me and I replied with a nod or shook my head. Once I shook a little too hard and the feeling of my hairbrush banging on top of my head made me shriek in pain. The evilness of Assia.

What I was waiting for was these two hours to go by so I can finally be ready and hopefully, if they let me, grab something to eat. I still hasn't eaten anything since I woke up apart from a cereal bar Zakariya so kindly brought up for me. My brothers seemed nicer at this point than my best friend, mom and sister.

"Are we done?" I asked for the hundredth time knowing that I was getting on their nerves, but I couldn't help it.

"This time we actually are. Open your eyes and look in the mirror." Doing what I was instructed to, I peeled my eyes open and stood up to see my reflection.

My reflection looked like me but in all ways better. My skin looked flawless and even though there were a lot of products in my face, it still felt light. No doubt I was checking myself out and making my already big ego even bigger.

"Thank you! I'm practically model material right now." Assia laughed while I embraced her in a hug again.

"You're welcome and it's time to see the dress and put it on." This was what I was waiting for.

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