Chapter Twenty One

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As I finished putting the last of my clothes into my suitcase I felt saddened and the feeling of wanting to stay grew on me. These past two days had been amazing, tiring but amazing. We met so many new people who were old, young, white and black but that didn't matter because we were all here for the same purpose. It was the aura that surrounded this place that made me not want to go.

However we had to as the next destination on our list was waiting for us. But, maybe I could buy some more time to stay here. It's worth a shot.

"Shoaib?" I called cautiously and walked over to where he was standing, typing away on his phone.

"Hm?" He said but I could tell he wasn't paying any attention to me.

And so I did what I thought best and plopped down to the floor, clutching one of his legs. I nearly let out a laugh by the yelp that came out of his mouth; I was behaving like a child, but I didn't care. Just as long as he paid attention to what I had to say.

"Please can we stay longer? Please?!" I whined but didn't let my hold on his leg any less stronger.

"Umaymah! Get off me right now!" This time I did laugh because he was wobbling around trying to get me off his leg; too bad I wasn't going to be budging anytime soon.

"But I want to stay." I said in a final time which I knew he wouldn't take seriously considering I was behaving like a child.

"We can always come back, but right now we have to leave." This time his tone was much softer and it made me want to forget my stubbornness and give in to him. But I didn't.

"Why can't we leave tomorrow or something? We're going to be in the Maldives for two weeks!" I carried with my whining, which surprisingly was getting annoying even to me.

"Because it's all planned out. Now get off me before I lift you off me."

Even though he gave me a choice of what to do, his actions didn't justify that because as soon as the words left his mouth, I was being lifted off the ground. A shriek left my mouth at the sudden force lifting me upwards and before I could fall, I clung on to him like my life depended on it; and right now, it did.

"Okay, okay we'll go." I finally gave in to him and released myself from his hold to stand on my own two feet.

I didn't miss the smirk coming from him knowing that he had won, but nonetheless I took my bag in my hands and waited for Shoaib to get both our suitcases. He was making me leave, the least he could was pick up a few heavy bags.

After all the commotion, we were finally ready to go. We had checked out of the hotel and Shoaib playfully smacked my arm as I made puppy faces at him and my surroundings, saying that I didn't want to leave. But we did and again we were on the same plane which we were in a couple days ago, and ready to fly out.

Luckily for my self control, blondie wasn't with us today which meant that I wouldn't have to worry about someone stealing my husband. Unlike last time though, I was far from tired - all the moaning and complaining somehow managed to make me stay awake and intrigued about our next destination.

Since the overgrown boy beside me was swimming in money, he had decided to put that to good use and rent out a private island for us, with the exception of another person being there; the maid. When I found out, I knew there was no point arguing with him because he wouldn't change his mind.

"It'll be more comfortable for you and I won't have you to worry about men staring at you." Was what his argument was when we were discussing this. Truthfully I felt a twinge of happiness when he said that, but being the emotionless person I am when it came to admiration, I waved it off and pretended like it didn't bother me.

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