Chapter Twenty

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Packing for our honeymoon was harder than I thought it would have been. One side of my suitcase was packed with abayas and hijabs while the other with summery dressed I was forced to go shopping for. My black, winter wardrobe wouldn't be compatible for the Maldives as you can imagine.

"We have the plane to ourselves so you can relax and take off your hijab if you want." I turned to face Shoaib with a smile, grateful of what he just told me.

"That's such a relief. Thanks loser." I teased and stuck my tongue out playfully. He simply rolled his eyes at me and continued to look ahead and drive towards the airport.

Sometimes it was hard to keep up with the fact the he was insanely rich and had a private plan which we were going to be using today. It was definitely going to be a long trip all the way to Saudi Arabia and then the Maldives, but it was perfect.

Before we left, we made sure to spend all the time we could with Laila. We took her shopping, played in the parks, went to the cinema and just relaxed at home since going out too much wasn't very good. Especially for my unsocial self. Going out too much can get over bearing for people like me.

"Hey, thanks again for this." I said sincerely, trying not to sound too excited about this trip.

"Don't worry about it. You better enjoy yourself you know." He said with a playful smile.

I all but laughed at him and felt my excitement increase as we stopped just in front of the airport. Soon enough I got confused when Shoaib decided to walk out of the car, leaving it parked right in front of the airport.

"Er, what you doing?" I asked him as soon as I too stepped out of the car. Luckily it wasn't that cold, but still chilly enough to make me want to run inside in the warmth.

"Getting our bags." He stated and resumed what he was doing, which was getting our bags.

"But you can't just leave the car here!" I said exasperatedly.

"Stop worrying, someone will come and take it." Just like he said, a few minutes after me watching Shoaib getting our bags, someone came out and took the car to where it should be.

I sighed and followed him inside where all the regular check ins were happening; nothing exciting. I was looking forward to getting on the plan and leaving as soon as we can and because of all this excitement, I didn't get an ounce of sleep last night. Whenever I was excited, I always found that I was restless, which is why I was so tired right now.

"Hey Shoaib? You know how the plane is yours, does that mean we can leave when we want?" I asked him hopefully. Being on a private plane wasn't something I had the privilege of doing before.

"I know you're excited, but really?" He asked amused while I just smiled sheepishly and shrugged. "Yes. We can leave when we want to and I'm guessing you don't want to waste any time." I nodded my head like a child which made him laugh.

He then took my hand in his, much to my surprise, and lead me outside where we boarded the plane and was bombarded with a bunch of female air hostesses. A frown came on my face as I wondered if he ever had to travel with so many girls around him.

Not wanting to sound like the crazy, possessive and jealous wife I was now, I let it go and simply took a seat and buckled up. Like Shoaib had said, there were no males and so I took off my hijab and did my best to try and relax. However, that was short lived when I realised I was still thinking about the number of females on this plane.

Reluctantly I peeled one eye open - Shoaib thought I had fallen asleep as soon as I sat down. Ahead of me, a hostess who seemed to be feeling a little too hot in winter with the extremely tight and short clothes that she was wearing, was bending over Shoaib trying to talk to him.

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