Chapter Twenty Three

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The day of my birthday passed by quickly thankfully and I found myself anxious to start questioning Shoaib about the disturbing activities that seemed to be happening. There was a nagging feeling in my head that made me question whether he would even tell me the truth or just give me bits of information. I hoped by the end of our conversation I would at least have an insight to this situation.

At the moment he seemed to be taking his sweet time in the bathroom while I sat cross legged on the newly made bed. He had gone inside over 15 minutes ago and by the sound of water, I could tell he was having a shower - he was also trying to prolong this. This wasn't going to be avoided though considering I spent the whole night tossing and turning in annoyance of not knowing what was happening.

The sound of the water stopping made my head shoot up in longing because I was finally going to get some answers. Well, so I hoped. My gaze was fixed on the door and as it opened revealing Shoaib, I squealed and covered my eyes with a pillow that was beside me. Ahead of me I heard laughter and I sat rooted on the bed in embarrassment.

"It's nothing you haven't seen before." I could just imagine the smirk that was on his face as he said that, and sure enough as I peeled the pillow away from my eyes, he stood with a smirk and amusement on his face.

I cleared my throat trying not to get distracted by the fact that he only stood a few feet away in only a towel and wet hair, "I was caught off guard, that's all." I said as cool as I could and shrugged my shoulder.

He rolled his eye at me and made his way to the walk in closet which I couldn't see the inside of from where I was seated. I aimlessly played with my fingers trying to forget that image of him and waited, a little impatiently, for him to come out.

Soon enough he strolled out in a pair of sweatpants that hung low on his hips with no shirt. His eyes flickered to me but he carried on walking out the room, making me frown and follow him. My feet hit the soothing, cold wooden floors and I took a moment to appreciate the coldness before moving out of the room.

"Enlighten me on what you're doing please. We have things to talk about." I said as I stalked behind him. The worst part about this was that he knew I hated waiting but he carried on making me do so.

"That can wait, breakfast is more important." He simply replied back to me in a knowing voice before burying himself in the fridge.

I sat down on a stool and let out a frustrated groan which he heard and chuckled at - he was definitely finding my annoyance funny. I, on the other hand wanted to tie him down to a chair and interrogate him without having to wait for him to eat breakfast. It was definitely a messed up situation seeing that I was disregarding food like this.

Not so patiently I waited for him to finish his bowl full of fruit so that he could start talking. The urges to be my greedy self and wanting to reach out and grab the tropical fruits were hard but I restrained myself on doing so knowing that he would just find it even more amusing. He tried offering me some but I simply brushed him off stating that I wasn't hungry. Oh, if only he knew how hard I was trying to get my stomach not to rumble.

After a painful ten minutes of watching him eat, which he did deliberately, he pushed away the bowl and unlike before where he looked at ease, he looked at me with conflicting emotions that I couldn't recognise to be either fear, determination or anger.

"Well you probably have a lot of questions." He stated and looked at me as to say start the interrogation off.

It was then I realised that I had been engrossed on waiting for this moment that I didn't think of a particular question to ask, so instead I said the first thing I thought of, "how do you know the guy that called me?"

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