Chapter Six

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Explaining to mom why we had to cook even more food for dinner tonight was easier than I thought. She didn't question me as to why I suggested it and for more than two hours, me, mom and Jasmine spent our time in the kitchen making food for our guests tonight; a little extra for the guests they didn't know about too.

"I think that's about done now." I was now mumbling to myself after packing the last bit of rice into the container for Abdullah to take to the boys when coming back to the Masjid. Sure enough I had to make sure that no one saw what I was doing, but it's best that no one knew where the food was going. If it came down to them noticing, I would just say I was hungry and might have eaten a bit. 'A bit' consisting of a whole pot worth of food.

"Abdullah come into the kitchen!" I shouted in no direction in particular in order for him to hear me and come.

Hearing the kitchen door open, I saw my brother stepping inside out of breath; he probably ran here. "Good timing. I was just about to leave for the Masjid now anyway." I gave him a smile to show how much I appreciated him doing this.

"Thanks again man. Listen, I'll take you out for smoothies on Saturday if it all goes well, okay?" He nodded and walked back out. It scared me that I was sending my little brother to do this, but the boys had to be starving and I doubted they would do anything to harm Abdullah anyway.

I took one last look around the kitchen before retrieving to my room to change into something suitable for this dinner. All the food had already been set on the table, so the boys had gone to pray while the girls were getting ready; we had already prayed. Looking in my wardrobe, I picked out a black maxi skirt with a thin maroon jumper that had lace detailing at the bottom and got changed, adding a hijab when I was done. Everyone had to look 'nice' tonight and I didn't know whether that was moms way of insulting us by indirecting we look horrible every other day, or to wear something fancier than normal day to day clothes.

I had just rolled up my sleeves when I remembered I needed to talk to Jasmine. Yesterday's events were still nagging at the back of my head and I needed answers. All in all, I was angry to how my sister could resort to doing something as horrible as that.

Leaving my room, I walked a few steps to be in front of her door. I didn't bother knocking because I knew she was done changing from long ago and instead walked straight in and found that she was happily humming along to some song coming from her phone.

'Does she have a case of being bi polar?' I asked myself in my head because even though she had been helping out earlier, she was still a little put off by something and it didn't take a genius to figure out it was something about yesterday.

"Hey sis, you okay?" I asked out loud to her and took a seat on her bed and making myself comfortable.

She rolled her eyes at me knowing that I knew she hated when people sat on her bed. "I'm great. What brings you here?" She sounded hesitant and I didn't know whether that was a good thing or not.

"I wanted to talk about yesterday." At that she turned around giving me her full attention. "Don't give me half answers like yesterday. I have a right to know what is happening with my sister, even though I may not like you very much." I added the last part in to ease her a bit though I was dead serious in wanting answers.

"I don't even know how to explain..." I could see the tears forming in the corner of her eyes, but I didn't have time to say anything as moms voice echoed through the house announcing our guests had arrived.

"We'll talk about this later, we have to go downstairs now." Taking her hand in mine, we exited her room and made way downstairs. I didn't want to be questioning her like this but it was necessary.

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