Chapter Twenty Eight

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The darkness that I had slipped in was slowly fading away as I could hear my name being called out repeatedly - it was almost a desperate plea for me to come back. I had been hearing it for hours, or even longer, but my eyes stayed shut despite me wanting them to open.

Now after what seemed like eternity, I felt my eyelids starts to peel open ever so slightly, and light within the room clouding my vision. The light, although not much of it, burned my eyes but I carried on fighting against that feeling just to have a glimpse of whoever was calling out to me. Beside me my fingers started to twitch as well. It was a sudden movement, yet I was surprised that someone had seen it at all.

"Quick, she just moved her fingers!" A scream erupted from beside me and the sound made me cringe for I wasn't used to it after being knocked out.

By now my eyes had already opened completely and I could see that the person beside me was none other than Jasmine who made no effort in hiding the tears that cascaded down her face. I knew that the tears were because of me and so I offered her a small smile on my behalf, though what she did next caught me by surprise. She hugged me.

I visibly stiffened by the contact and at the moment Shoaib had stormed into the room looking wilder than I had seen him before. He stayed where he was, watching the two of us as if he felt he was going to interrupt this little moment of ours. Although I took the time to eye his appearance and by the looks of it, he hadn't slept for a long time and his hair looked so untidy, as if he ran a hand through it every second.

My arms finally moved so that they were hugging Jasmine back and this definitely felt good. "I'm so sorry." I whispered in her ears and she immediately pulled back, wearing a frown on her face.

"What on earth are you apologising for? This was never your fault and as sappy as this is, I'm so glad that you're back." I chuckled at my sister as she pecked my cheek and left the room, which I recognised to be Shoaib and I's bedroom.

As the door closed it seemed that Shoaib finally deemed himself to move closer to me, and it was only a few seconds after she left that Shoaib had me in his arms. His face was in the crook of my neck, which I realised he did when he needed to calm down, and he was hugging me just like Jasmine was doing.

"Never, and I mean never, do that to me again." He said as he pulled away from me to sit in front of me. "When you passed out, I got so worried and immediately had to get you back home. It took a whole plane journey to get back and luckily the doctors said it was due to stress and this was nothing serious. But honestly, if it was, I'd probably go back and not spare that bastards life like you had asked."

His face twisted in anger for a split second before it turned back to worry. After I had listened to what he had to say, all that I could think about was that he had let Ross go just like I told him to. There was no murder on his hands and for that I was grateful - my health didn't even matter to me at this point.

"You actually listened to me." I breathed out. My voice was still a bit croaky from the lack of water I've for the past many days.

Shoaib however seemed to think this was irrelevant and rolled his eyes before he pulled me close to him and kissed me. I was shocked for a start, but after a while I gave in to him. He seemed urgent meanwhile it took all of my strength to just sit upright.

It was a long time before he pulled away, yet our foreheads stayed touching. A boyish grin was plastered on his face as if he had just been given a toy that he wanted for months on end. Meanwhile I was out of breath and a little flustered as to what just happened.

"You know, while you were still unconscious, Mr Colton said something to me." He started suddenly and I raised a brow at him as I backed away, my back resting on the headboard.

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