Chapter Five

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Common sense had finally hit me a week later as I sat on my bed watching lectures about Islam. I clearly knew since I was 5 that interacting with boys was a shame to be frown upon, and what do I do? Why, I walk right into a gang of them.

Face palming myself for being so stupid, I closed my phone and made my way downstairs to where my family was. I was grateful my parents were talking to me again but I could tell dad was still disappointed in me. To be honest, I didn't blame him either.

"Oi are you going to eat or not?" The pleasant voice of my older sister rang throughout my ears and I mentally groaned that I still had to see her everyday.

"Yes but I really don't think you can afford to be eating." And with that that I came closer to her so I can whisper in her ear, "we've all noticed the extra weight you've been gaining." I even made the effort of poking her stomach even though no fat was to be found.

She shrieked before trying to hit me and ran upstairs to her room claiming that she didn't want to eat. Just then mom glared at me while the rest of my siblings laughed at how much of a fool she looked like while doing that. I laughed myself before grabbing a plate and filling it with lasagne; meanwhile mom cleared her throat, getting ready to say something to us.

"By the way, Aunty Aliza and her family are coming to dinner tomorrow. I want you all to clean your rooms and be on your best behaviour!" Mom was serious about things like this but I didn't see why we had to clean our rooms; was dinner going to be served there?

Looking around the table I knew everyone was thinking the same thing but bit their tongue to not say anything. I don't think anyone wanted to face the wrath of my mother after questioning her.

Dinner passed by in a blur, mostly because I was too engrossed in finishing my food to participate in the conversation that was going around. Considering I had a pile of homework waiting for me upstairs, I couldn't afford to waste any time downstairs. Lucky me for having a best friend who gathered all the work I missed, for me to do over my weekend.

"Homework awaits. If anyone needs me, don't call me." They all rolled their eyes while I blew them a kiss and skipped all the way upstairs. My room was just about in sight when I heard cries coming from the room next to me; my sisters.

I had one older sister Jasmine who I used to share a room with, but soon after I got fed up with her, she moved to the room next door. So far, yet so close; unfortunately.

"Hey, not that I care, but is everything okay?" I asked opening her door. A gasp nearly left my mouth when I saw her sat cross legged on the floor with a blade in her hand. At that moment I snatched the blade away as she looked up at me with tears still in her eyes.

"Are you mad?! What do you think you're doing?! If it was what I said then you know I was joking." It started with me being angry but gradually my voice became softer as it dawned upon me that it could have been my fault she was acting like this.

"It's not your fault. I- I just, have issues right now. I can't tell you but please don't tell mom and dad about this!" She was pleading now and I didn't know what to do. Being sentimental was never me when it came to other people; it felt too awkward trying to comfort someone else.

"I won't tell anyone, just please don't try this again. It's unforgivable and you know that." She looked helpless but nonetheless she didn't reply to me. I sat her down on her bed and kissed her forehead while exiting her room, blade in hand, hoping that she would be okay.


"Girl how are you? You want some tea, coffee, water? Better yet sit down, you look like you're about to faint." No surprise that my best friend was to be taking care of me today and God knows how long until she thought I was better.

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