Chapter Nineteen

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"Laila come back here!" I shouted behind the little toddler who only carried on to run away from me with my phone in her hands and half dressed before she was supposed to be going home with her aunt.

I definitely wanted the little girl but this morning I'm beginning to realise just how much of a responsibility I'm taking on. It didn't make things any better to hear Shoaib laughing at the entire scene while miserably trying to eat an apple. The least he could right now was help me.

After a few more seconds of these childish antics, I decided to give up. Falling back on the bed where Shoaib was I watched Laila finally stopping from her marathon, only to look back and give me a smile which made me forget why I was frustrated in the first place.

"Come here baby. We need to get you dressed." This time Shoaib spoke up and my eyes went wide at the sight of Laila happily skipping over to him. There was no denying how close they had both become within one day.

"You're going to listen to him, but not me?" I questioned but was clearly too tired from still running around.

"Yes." She simply said and turned all her attention back to a smirking Shoaib.

Silently I watched the two chatting away while he got her dressed in her clothes from yesterday which was now washed and suitable for her to wear. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous by how the two got on so well, but I pushed those feelings aside anyway and smiled at a joke they just shared.

As soon as Laila was fully clothed she turned and faced me. "Mommy I don't want to leave you." I didn't expect her to say that, or to leave Shoaib's side and come to me with tears threatening to spill out.

I had no idea what to do and I desperately tried looking at my husband for some kind of help. Unfortunately he was just as much as a lost cause as I was. Hopeless really.

"Shh. Listen, we'll be seeing each other a lot more, okay? Don't ever think we're leaving you." I somehow managed to find the soothing words and have a kiss to her forehead after she released herself from my side.

She seemed content enough with my answer and motioned for me to pick her up just as the door bell went off. I sighed and did what I was being begged to do while Shoaib went to answer the door. All of a sudden I wished that she didn't have to leave - even if she spent all her time with Shoaib, laughed and played with him, at least she was here with her parents.

Truth is, I'm still getting used to the idea of being a parent but Laila made me want to take the chance. Also, after seeing the kind of change she had on my husband, it felt as if it was never me who was supposed to make him a better person; it's like Laila is the one to bring the best out of him.

Just then I remembered that her aunt was waiting down stairs and I reluctantly led us both down the stairs and to the front room. Immediately her aunt stood up and walked over to us both.

"I hope she hasn't been too much trouble." She says with a genuine smile.

"Not at all. We can't wait till she's officially ours." I say and watch how a glint of sadness passes through her features - unable to comprehend that her niece was going to be having parents again.

I couldn't blame her. She probably spent most of her time caring for Laila ever since the incident and out of the blue we came into the picture, wanting Laila in our family.

"You better treat my niece well." She chuckled and even though she teased me, the sincerity was no doubt there.

All I could do now was give her a nod and me and Shoaib lead them both to the front door. Laila now had her head on her aunts shoulder with a thumb in her mouth and watching us intently.

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