Chapter Sixteen

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Almost all of the schools population had now been gathered around the field where Shoaib and Xavier were about to compete for the quarterback position on the football team. My husband wore a knowing smirk as if the winning was his while his opponent looked a bit frightened but nonetheless confident too.

Just then the whistle blew and they were off with the ball in their hands as girls and boys cheered around me. Shoaib's name were mostly being called out but there was the minority who were betting on Xavier to win. Me on the other hand stood amongst the crowd with Assia beside me while I focused on what exactly they were doing.

"I remember why I never come to watch football - I have no idea what's happening!" I exclaimed to my best friend and felt a little comforted as she too was watching with confusion.

"Tell me about it. I almost feel sorry that you have to watch every single game of him. Well if he makes the team that is." I whacked her shoulder for her support and watched her wince a little in pain.

"He will make the team and don't worry, I'll be here to support him. Even if I don't know what he's doing." I mumbled the last part but of course Assia heard it and began laughing at me.

This carried on for at least ten more minutes until the whistle was blown and the two boys halted in the middle of the field. Screams had now cascaded into questioning whispers, wanting to know who now has the spot for quarterback on the team. If the crowd seemed tense then the boys certainly didn't - both overly confident in getting this position.

From where I was I strained my ears to listen to what the coach was now saying as he ascended into the field with the two boys in front of him.

"Well this was an interesting play off, and I'm glad to announce that we have a new quarterback. Shoaib." Again the cheering erupted from everyone and now including me, but not as extreme as some people jumping up and down and waving their hands trying to catch Shoaib's attention.

I would have liked to say everyone was happy about this news, but the now angry Xavier was evident as he sudden jumped onto Shoaib with his hands around his neck. Instantly the cheers went down but so did I as I ran from where I was and onto the field; behind me was the entire crowd with their phones ready to film the fight.

By the time I had reached the fields both boys were on the floor and it was absolute chaos. There was a tiny stream of blood by where they were and as I reached them, the echoing sounds of Shoaib's fist connecting to Xavier's jawline silenced the entire crowd.

"Stop!" I had to drag Shoaib with the best of my ability away from Xavier who was more or less covered in his own blood.

Behind me I heard Coach shouting profanities at Xavier but I couldn't seem to care while I dragged an unwilling overgrown boy behind me and into the boys changing room. Sitting him down I glared at him but it didn't last long as I saw blood oozing out of his lip.

Cursing I ran around the changing rooms to try and find a towel for him and finally I did.

"Did you seriously have to fight back?" I questioned while bending down and dabbing on his swollen lip where most of the blood was almost dry.

"What did you expect me to do? He came onto me. Its not my problem he can't take losing as an answer." He shrugged but the anger was clear in his voice but he didn't physically show it.

"What I expected you to do was be the bigger person and walk away from him." I retorted and stood up but he caught with my wrist and pulled me back to him.

His breathing was ragged and I could tell he was far from happy with the attitude I was giving him.

"If that's the case then I don't expect you to go flipping on every single female that comes close to me. Now tell me, do you think you can handle that?" He knew the answer to that all too well as I saw him move past me and out of the changing room, leaving me alone to decipher that we just had our first fight.

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