Chapter Twenty Seven

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After a night filled with rain, lightning and thunder, I expected it to be anything but sunny in the morning yet that's exactly what it was like. The weather represented my mood as after last night, I was more than happy to know that I could sleep without having to worry about someone coming in my room in the middle of night to do something.

Getting myself up in a sitting position on the bed I stretched out my arms over my head, just to get the tiredness out of my system. Next thing to do would be to take a shower and freshen up for today would be a day I was waiting for desperately.

Mr Colton had told me last night that Shoaib would be coming to get me since he fulfilled part of his deal and got me away from Ross. At the time I wanted to squeal and jump around, but in order to prove that I can be sane, I simply smiled. However, as happy as I want to be right now, I can't help but think that this was too easy.

There must be something going on because I couldn't be escaping from this situation in just a matter of two days without any scars or bruises. I may be thinking of the worst but these thoughts lingered at the back of my head; warning me not to get my hopes up.

After getting out of bed and spending about 20 minutes in the bathroom I was ready to go downstairs where the delicious smell of breakfast could be smelt from my room. The thought of food made me happy once again since I hadn't eaten in two days - being in this mansion worrying and talking to my future brother - in - law made me forget about food. Shocking, I know.

Skipping down the stairs I saw Martha hurry out of the kitchen as soon as I set foot inside, making me frown because I had grown fond of the short woman. Though Mr Colton was seated in a chair with a mug of coffee in his hands and a similar frown was etched on his face.

"Morning, is something wrong?" I asked straight away, not bothering to make small talk.

He looked up from his mug and to my face, shocked to see my sudden appearance in the kitchen. "Morning and no, nothing's wrong. Shoaib is coming to get you. What could possibly be wrong?" I eyed him weirdly and he continued to look down at his mug. Even though he probably mumbled the last bit to himself, I still heard it.

"Well something seems to be bothering you and I don't like being kept in the dark. So if you may, please tell me what's wrong." I added a pout, much like Laila's, for extra measure so he would spill.

Though it looked like he wouldn't budge and so from where I was sitting on the kitchen table, I lightly punched his shoulder to tell him that I was serious. An unexpected wince left his mouth and I tried not to laugh at a man getting hurt by me.

"You didn't have to do that," he stated while glaring at me and rubbing the spot I punched. "And if you must know then I'll wait for your husband to get here so that he can tell you himself."

"Which will be when?" As much as I liked Mr Colton, all I wanted was to go back home with Shoaib and see my family who I had realised meant so much more to me over these past few days. I also wondered if they knew I was missing, or if they were simply going about their life not knowing something was wrong.

"Well about now really." He said after taking a look at the time on his watch.

True to his word at the exact moment the doorbell rang and not being able to hold my excitement in, I dashed out of my seat and walked towards the front door which had already been opened by Martha. Well that was quick.

I stood a few inches away from the guests, looking at one person in particular who hadn't seen me yet. His light stubble seemed to be nearing towards a beard now and the bags under his eyes were very prominent. I also noticed his left hand which had been wrapped in a bandage, showing that he was hurt.

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