Turning point pt.1

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I couldn't believe Chris was standing right in front of me. All this time he's been wandering free and he managed to find me. So many questions ran through my head I forgot he was even talking to me.

Bree: I'm calling the cops!

I whipped out my phone and before I could start to dial Chris snatched my phone away.

Chris: Look Bree I just wanna talk.

Bree: Chris I swear to God don't fuck with me today now give my damn phone!

Chris: Could you keep your damn voice down!

Bree: Hell no! Security! Help I need hel-

Chris: covers her mouth Could you shut the fuck up and listen dammit!

His voice echoed in the hall and there was an awkward silence between us.

Bree: You've got 30 seconds.

Chris: Look i need to tell you that, I'm gonna turn myself in. I'm gonna confess to the rape and a few other things I'm not proud of. I can't keep living my life in the shadows.

Bree: That doesn't make up for what you did, you hurt me then instead of owning up to your shit, your hid like a little bitch. As far as I'm concerned nothing can fix what you did to me and Autumn.

Once I said Autumn's name I think I hit a nerve because his face got real twisted.

Chris: The thing with Autumn is complicated okay, she's been sleeping around and lying to me for months and I got sick of her shit.

Bree: So you stab her and your child?

Chris: Look you don't know what I've been going through.

Bree: You're right I don't, but what I do know is that you need help you sick bastard.

I brush past him and he grabs me and looks me in the eyes.

Chris: I'm sorry for everything Bree.

Bree: Go fuck yourself.

I left him by the bathroom and headed for the main entrance where Carnell was waiting for me.

Carnell: Hey what took you so long?

Bree: Well I got hungry, then I had to pee so..

Carnell: Okay then.

Bree: Yea today has been stressful.

Carnell: Ain't that the truth.

*next week*
Dustin's wedding day

Carnell: Bree have you see my tie?

Bree: You left it on the dresser last time I checked!

I stood in the bathroom and finished putting on my makeup. For some reason I was feeling really tired and achy and going to this wedding was the last thing on my mind. Not to mention the fact that I ran into Chris last week and haven't found the right time to tell Carnell.

Carnell: It's not there!

Bree: Well hell I don't know! Find another fucking tie then!

Carnell: laughs Yo are your hormones out of whack again because it's not that serious babe.

Bree: I'm sorry, I'm just really tired and there's a lot on my mind and I didn't mean to take it out on you.

Carnell: Well what's bothering you?

Bree: It's nothing I'm fine.

Carnell: Bree..

Bree: Carnell..

He raises an eyebrow at me.

Bree: sigh Fine,I ran into Chris at the mall last week.

Carnell: What! Why the hell did you wait til now to tell me?

Bree: I didn't know exactly how to tell you.

Carnell: How hard is it to say you ran into the sick motherfucker and call the cops, no better yet call me!

Bree: Could you not yell, I'm getting a headache.

Carnell: No I'm gonna fucking yell because he was right in front of your face and anything could of happened and you just let him get away! What the hell were you thinking?

Bree: I was thinking I'm sick of carrying that burden on back and I want to fucking move on with my life. Besides he says he's gonna turn himself in, but I couldn't give two fucks because it's not gonna change what happened!

He looked at me and shook his head then he left the bathroom. Well I can tell how today's gonna go. I put on my earrings and grab my purse and head to the car. The whole ride to the wedding hall was silent and we exchanged a few glances at each other, but didn't say one word. I just hope we can put things aside and have fun tonight.

I can't believe Bree was hiding this from me. Here I thought we were at a stage where we could tell each other everything, but I guess I was wrong. We get out the car and don't say a word to each other as we walk inside. I dip off and spot my brother over by the bar and Bree goes to her friends at a table in the corner.

Bryan: Hey look who decided to show up!

Patrick: chuckles What's the matter with you Carnell, you look like you could use a drink.

Carnell: You have no fucking clue.

I order a beer and take a seat next to Kelly.

Bryan: Well what's been going on with you and Bree? How's she been since, you know..

Carnell: The rape? Yea it's okay you can say it, because apparently now locking the bastard up isn't on her priority list list now.

Patrick: Wait what are you saying man?

Carnell: I'm saying she ran into him last week and didn't bother to say one word about it til today. I mean I don't get her!

Bryan: You gotta let her deal with it on her own

Carnell: And put her in harm's way? Nah I don't think so.

Kelly: All you can do is be there for her man

I order a couple more beers drowning my feelings in beer for the remainder of cocktail hour.
It was time for the ceremony to start and I went to find Carnell and I could see it in his face that he'd been drinking, not to mention he was walking a little off balance.

Bree: Really?

Carnell: What?

Bree: The wedding hasn't even started yet and you're already drunk.

Carnell: I'm fine,now could you quit bitiching?

Dear lord give me strength. We all took our seats and Dustin and the Priest stood at the front of the room. A couple minutes later the wedding music started and we all stood. The back doors opened and Alex looked stunning. Her dad escorted down the aisle and her long white lace train followed behind her. Once Dustin saw her, I saw him wipe a tear or two. The whole scene was just beautiful. We took our seats and the ceremony began.
About half way through I started getting these really sharp pains in my side. I figured it was just gas so I didn't really worry too much and decided to wait it out. After they exchanged vows, gave each other the rings and kissed it was over and I headed straight to the bathroom. I got in the stall and I noticed all this blood in my panties.

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