Changes pt.2

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???: What do you want?

Carnell: Well it's nice to see you too Chris.

Chris: Man I haven't heard from you since "the incident" which was two years ago. What could you possibly want from me?

Carnell: Look what happened the last time we hung was fucked up, but I need your help man.

Chris: Why the hell should I help you?

Carnell: Because we used to be tight! We were like brothers man-

Chris: Man save the dumb ass sob story, what do you need my help for?

Carnell: I'm hooked. As much as I hate to admit it, I am.

Chris: Man I've been off that shit for awhile now and I been told you to get clean.

Carnell: Yea well I could've died a couple weeks ago, so I'm taking that as a wake up call. Not to mention the fact that I fucked up my relationship.

Chris: So what is it that you want me to do?

Carnell: Help me man. You've been clean all this time and it seems like you finally got your shit straight. Can you help me get to that point?

He gives me a hard look then he sighs.

Chris: Well you completed the first step, admitting you got a problem. Now, you need to follow a 12 step program.

Carnell: Okay, but what happens if I fall off?

Chris: You won't. There's these addict meetings at that church up the street every Monday and Friday at 7. Shit, I even still go from time to time.

At this point what else do I have to loose, I mean I almost died 2 weeks ago. I gotta get my shit together before it's too late.



So after the Chris drama this morning I decided to take the day off from work and try to relax at home, until Aja called me to go to her ultrasound with her.

Aja: Yo where the fuck is the nurse with the pictures I'm ready to go.

Bree: Girl calm down she said she'd be right back!

Aja: Well you're not the one pregnant. I'm tired, my feet hurt, and I could really go for some cookie dough ice cream right about now.

Bree: laughing Remind me again why I said yes to coming with you today

Aja: Bryan said he had to go to work and he's trying to save his vacation days until after the baby's born. laughing I just think he wanted to be away from me to be honest.

Bree: laughing Why would you say that?

Aja: Because I'm driving him crazy with all my needs and what not. Personally I like being away from him from time to time, he acts more like a bitch than me sometimes.

Bree: laughing I can't with you.

Aja: Yea, but you love me. So how are things with you and Carnell? You look like the fucking heart eyes emoji every time you're with him.

Bree: Yea well I haven't been with him as much lately.

Aja: What? Why not?

Bree: Well when he got in that accident a couple weeks ago I found out a lot of shit about him and turns out he's not the person I thought he was.

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