The Worst

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I watched as the cold rain fell slowly from the dark sky. The street light glistened off the slick street as I stood outside Autumn's house. I hadn't talked to her in a few days so I figured I'd go and check up on her. I really do love this girl and I think I want to ask her to marry me. I take a deep breath and I walk up to her door and knock.

Carnell: knocking Autumn it's me Carnell!

I don't get an answer so I take her spare key from under the mat and let myself in. Everything seemed so quiet until I heard giggling coming from her bedroom. Please don't let this be what I think it is. I brace myself and walk towards her room. I open the door slowly and peek the the little space. There in that room the woman I wanted to marry was laying down with another man. But it wasn't just any man. It was my boy August Aslina.


Autumn: gasps CARNELL IT'S NOT gco


August: Dude I'm really sorry, I didn't want you to find out like this!

Carnell: Fuck you!

I lunged at August and started punching him in the face.

Autumn: Carnell stop, leave him alone!!

I stop fighting August and just look at his bloody nose.

Carnell: How could you do this to me Autumn! I loved you so much, I gave you my all and this is how you do me?!

Autumn: Carnell I'm sorry, I loved you too, but it's just I think I love August more.

All this anger and hurt rushed just into my body. I felt like she just threw a dagger in my heart.

Carnell: sniffles Fine then, that's how you feel.

Autumn: tearing up Carnell I'm really sorry.

She walks over and tries to hug me and I just shake her off.

Carnell: Don't touch me, you made your choice.

She looks at me with pleading eyes and I just start to walk away then I stop in my tracks.

Carnell: Oh yea, one more thing.

I reach in my back pocket and throw the black box with the ring at her.

Carnell: I was gonna propose to you, but I see I dodged a bullet there. Look you can keep it, it doesn't mean shit to me anymore.

Finally, I walked out not even looking back to see her face in complete shock. Fuck relationships! I might as well just fuck a bitch then leave her because this feelings shit does me no good. I start to walk going who knows where and I light a cigarette trying to calm my nerves. I promised myself I wasn't gonna start smoking again, but I don't give a fuck anymore. I've been with too many girls and just when I thought she was the one, she stabbed me in the fucking heart. I swear I'm done with this feelings shit. Out of all the girls I've been with, this has got to be the worst.

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