Turning point pt.2

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I couldn't help but panic at the sight of all the blood I had lost. Once I had finished in the bathroom I rushed to go find Carnell, but he was no where in sight.

Raven: Hey Bree are you okay?

Bree: Actually no, I'm bleeding Raven!

Raven: Oh my god we gotta get you to the hospital now!

Bree: But where the hell is Carnell?

Raven: We'll call him once we get there, now let's go!

She rushed me to the car and we sped off to the hospital. The whole time I just prayed everything would eventually turn out okay.
As soon as the ceremony was over Bree dipped off and I guess she was in one of her "moods" so I didn't pay her any mind and made my way to the dining hall to order another drink. As soon as I sat down to order a rum and coke, Kelly came running up towards me.

Carnell: Yo what the hell is wrong with you man?

Kelly: I just got a call from Rae, it's Bree she's in the hospital.

Carnell: Nice try Kel, but I'm not that gullabale when I'm drunk.

Kelly: Carnell I'm dead serious right now, why else do you think she dipped off all of a sudden.

Carnell: This doesn't make sense, I mean she would have told me if something was wrong.

Kelly: Well you don't have time to contemplate on your life right now, Pat's waiting in the car now c'mon.

This whole situation just didn't seem real, I mean when I saw her she looked perfectly fine, why the hell would she be in the hospital? The whole ride to the hospital I kept worrying and thinking what could of went wrong? When we got to the emergency room we saw Raven sitting nervously in the corner. Once she spotted us she ran up and hugged us all.

Carnell: What happened with Bree, is she alright?

Raven: Carnell you might wanna sit down for this.

My heart began to sink to my stomach. I sat down and prepared for the worst.

Raven: Bree got rushed into an emergency C-section. Turns out she has Placenta Abruption meaning the placenta tore away from her body and it's not only dangerous for the baby, but for Bree. I'm sorry Carnell.

I didn't even know what to say. All this time something was wrong and I wasn't there for her yet again. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Patrick: It's gonna be okay man, we're here for you.

Carnell: Just leave me the fuck alone.

At this point I just snapped and I had to get the hell out of this nightmare.
I couldn't tell if this was real or all a dream. One minute I'm perfectly fine, the next I'm being rushed into surgery. I wake up to see I'm alone in a hospital room. I have a splitting headache and it hurts to just breathe. I rub my stomach in pain and I notice my bump's gone. Oh my god.

Bree: Nurse! Nurse!

A young nurse with blonde hair comes running in my room.

Nurse: What's wrong?

Bree: What happened to my baby?

She walks to the foot of my bed and looks at my chart. Her eyes widen and she puts it back.

Bree: Well?

Nurse: You're just gonna have to trust, that we're doing everything we can.

Bree: What the hell is that supposed to mean!

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