Don't let your guard down

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*3 months later(June)*


Kelly: Alright that's all the invitations

Raven: I don't think so, aren't you forgetting someone?

Kelly: If you're talking about Carnell, I'm not inviting him.

Raven: Come on Kelly you can't just not invite Carnell, I mean he's your brother.

Kelly: So, Carnell made his choice when he just walked out on everyone. He only gives a fuck about himself Rae, why can't you see that?

Raven: Ok, but it's our wedding we're talking about. We're supposed to share this happy day with our friends and family, so that means put your petty little differences aside and move on.

Kelly: It's not petty, Carnell's a pothead and has been for what is it, about 3 months now, I don't want him smoking trees at our wedding.

Raven: Kelly...

Kelly: What, I'm not about to invite an addict to my wedding.

Raven: He's your brother for God's sake, why can't you just accept him for who is. So what he has a bad habit, no one's perfect. This is supposed to be fun and you not even giving him an option is wrong.

Kelly: Rae...

Raven: Kelly I'm not arguing with you about this, it'll be your guilty conscience at the end of the day.

She kisses my cheek then walks out the door heading to work. I hate to admit it, but Raven's right I should at least give him a choice and if he doesn't wanna go, the hell with him! I drive to his apartment building and knock on his door. He doesn't say anything, but I hear footsteps walk towards the door. Finally it swings open

Carnell: Look I told y'all I'll have the rent by-oh, hey Kelly...

Kelly: Hey man.

His eyes look kinds red and puffy, still on his old habits I see.

Carnell: What are you doing here?

Kelly: I was in the neighborhood and just thought I'd stop by.

Carnell: Really, this is the first time in three months that you happened to be in the neighborhood?

Well damn, he's not as slow as I thought he would be.

Carnell: sighs Come in.

He walks back inside and sits on his couch. I shut the door behind me and follow him. His apartment is kinda nice, only thing is it reeks of weed and a whole other stuff i couldn't decipher . He lights a blunt and let's the smoke flow out his nostrils. He sits back on the couch in a relaxed position.

Carnell: So why are you here Kelly?

Kelly: Well I came to invite you to my wedding next month.

He raises his eyebrow at me like he actually sounded interested. I reach in my pocket and hand him the envelope. He opens it and reads over it pretty fast.

Kelly: So are you gonna come?

Carnell: I'll think about it.

There was an awkward silence that came over us and I couldn't stand it.

Kelly: So is this all you do in your free time, smoke?

He blows more smoke out his mouth then answers me.

Carnell: If you came to lecture me too, you can leave now. I'm a grown ass man and if I wanna roll a couple trees, then I will.

Here he goes with that stank attitude. I really don't feel like arguing with this nigga.

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