Sh*t hits the fan pt.2

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- Bree

Chris: So do you wanna explain this shit?

He looked at me with his bloodshot red eyes. I couldn't tell if he'd been crying or what. All I know is I really didn't feel like having this conversation with him.

Bree: Chris it's a long story that I really don't feel like discussing right now and what the hell is wrong with you, are you high?

Chris: Don't try to put this on me, give me some answers damn it!

Bree: Fine you want answers, I screwed Carnell then we broke up then I started screwing your sorry ass to make up for it you happy?

I can see the anger starting to build up in his face.

Chris: You can't say that Bree, what we have is deeper than that.

Bree: Wake up Chris, I used you. I was vulnerable and needed someone so I used you. Now you may wanna believe that it was real, but you and I both know things were never gonna be the same for us. I don't love you like I love Carnell so I suggest you suck it up and get the fu-

All of a sudden his hand covered my mouth.

Chris: Bree just please stop, I don't wanna lose my temper.

I remove his hand from my mouth and practically spit my words at him.

Bree: Or what? You gonna hit me?

He looks at me in anger then backs up and paces in a circle. I start packing his shit because I'm so over this negro.

Chris: Bree please stop touching my stuff.

Bree: No you gotta go Chris it's over I'm done!

Chris: Dammit I said stop!

He grabs me and pins me into the wall.

Bree: Chris get the fuck off of me!

Chris: All I wanted was for you to give me another chance to love you Bree, but you couldn't even let me have that? You left me for that punk ass?

Bree: Chris you're hurting me get off!

Chris: Good, I want you hurt just like you hurt me.

Bree: I only gave you a taste of your own medicine, remember that trick I caught you with, you know the reason we broke up in the first place!

After I said that he just lost it. He slapped me across the face causing me to fall on the ground.

Bree: What the hell is wrong with you?!

He walks over to the night stand and opens the draw pulling out a bag filled with white powder. He takes some out on his fingers and sniffs it. Then he hovers over me and gives me a crazy look.

Chris: If you're not gonna love me, I'll make you love me.

He picks me up and throws me on the bed and starts beating me and ripping my clothes off. I keep trying to fight him off trying to reach for a lamp to hit him with, but he's stronger than me. I manage to kick him him in the stomach allowing me to roll on the floor. I stand up and grab the lamp, but he lunges at me and places his hands around my neck. I drop the lamp as I struggle to breathe and try to break his strong grip.

Chris: The more you fight back, the harder this will be.



next morning

I've been up all night thinking about how things ended with Bree. I love her but hate how I let my demons come between us. Especially Chris's fake ass. I get a cup of coffee and dial Bree's number but I get no answer. She probably hates me, but I don't blame her. I hate myself for letting go so easily. I called 3 more times and still didn't get an answer.

Something wasn't sitting well with me so I got dressed and decided to just head over to her house. I caught the bus and got to her house about 20 minutes later. As I approached her front porch I noticed her front door was cracked open. My heart sank into my stomach as I opened the door. Her living room looked like a tornado ran through her house; her couch was flipped, TV broken, and her curtains were ripped. I called her names a few times but I got no answer.

I made my way into her room and saw her sitting in bed staring blankly at the wall.

Carnell: Bree what the hell happened here?

She turns to face me revealing a black eye. Who the hell would do this to her? I walk over to try to give her a hug and she quickly runs and sits in the corner.

Carnell: Bree what happened, who did this to you?

She breaks down and starts sobbing with tears flowing down her cheeks. I walk over and sit down next to her.

Carnell: Bree you gotta tell me what happened so I can help you.

She stops sobbing for a minute and looks me dead in the eyes.

Bree: He- he raped me.

Her tears flowed heavily and I could feel my heart starting to break. I pulled her into a hug not wanting to let her go.

Carnell: Bree did Chris do this?

She nodded her head 'yes' and I could feel my blood starting to boil. I kiss her forehead and I continue to comfort her. This son- of-a bitch has done it now.

Carnell: I'm here now Bree and I'm not gonna let him or anyone else hurt you, I promise.

Next time I see Chris, he's a dead man.

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