In too deep

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Seeing the tests sit at Bree's feet made a knot form in my stomach. We just looked at each other in silence for awhile, then we finally gathered our thoughts and got our stuff. I'm literally praying that this is not what it seems like. I don't know if I can handle anything else going wrong right now. I pay for the vitamins and meet Chris at the pizza parlor. I spot him sitting at a table and walk over and give him a dap.

Carnell: Hey wassup man!

Chris: Wassup! You late as hell man laughs.

Carnell: Sorry I got caught off guard with some shit.

Chris: Like what?

Carnell: Shit with this girl I'm seeing, well was seeing.

Chris: Ah, I feel you. Bitches be tripping.

Carnell: Yea, so what's good with you man?

Chris: I'm chillin, I gotta work overtime for the week so I'm boutta be tired as hell.

Carnell: Hey at least you'll be paid though.

Chris: True, true. So what's up with you man?

Carnell: For the most part I'm good. I've been going to meetings every night and I've been clean for 2 weeks now.

Chris: Aye that's what's up!

Carnell: Yea only thing is I kinda cut this girl off throughout this whole process and I feel terrible.

Chris: Hey, sometimes you gotta certain people off if they're holding you back because at the end of the day you're trying to better yourself.

Chris had a really good point there. I hate to admit it, but he did. Thing is I don't if I can accept letting Bree go. Especially now if she thinks she pregnant.


After running into Carnell at the drug store and him seeing me with those tests, that's just gonna make shit ten times worse. That's not exactly how I pictured us seeing each other again. After I paid for the pregnancy tests I went to Kelly and Rae's house to check on Rae since Kelly said she's been feeling kinda sick ever since they got back last week. I pulled up in the drive way and saw Kelly walk out the house getting ready to leave.

Kelly: You got here just in time Bree, I just made her soup so now she's just chillin on the couch.

Bree: So overall she's good?

Kelly: Aside from vomiting, I think she fine. Well I gotta go, I'm gonna be late for work!

I notice he left the door unlocked and I walk in and see Raven laying down on the couch with a pint of cookies and cream ice cream watching Law and Order SVU. I walk in the living room and take a seat in a chair across from her

Bree: laughs Damn slow down Rae, there's this thing called brain freeze!

Raven: Shut up, I haven't been able to keep anything down since Tuesday, my head feels like it's been split open with an axe, and I've been moody as hell.

Bree: Well I think you have more than just the flu.

Raven: What are you talking about?

I reach in my bag and pull out the pregnancy tests.

Raven: You can't be serious..

Bree: It can't hurt just to make sure Rae.

Raven: Ugh fine.

She takes 1 test out of all 3 boxes and goes to the bathroom. About 5 minutes later she comes out.

Bree: Well?

A smile forms on her face.

Raven: They're all positive!

I'm instantly filled with joy and run and give her a hug.

Bree: Aw congrats Rae, I'm so happy for you!

Raven: Oh my gosh I'm gonna be a mom! Damn, that escalated real quick.

Bree: laughing You'll be fine Rae.

Raven: I hope it's a girl, i'll have a little mini me and I'll spoil the hell out of her.

Bree: laughs Aw slow down Rae, you still gotta tell Kelly.

Raven: I know, I'm just so excited. My life is about to change forever and I get to go through it with the man I love.

Bree: Aw, that's so sweet.

Raven: Right, so what about you and Carnell;how are things going?

Bree: They aren't.

Raven: What? What happened, you were like head over heels for him!

Bree: Girl so much shit went down when you weren't here, I'd rather not talk about it.

Raven: Damn, well are you okay girl?

Bree: I will be.

I stayed with Rae until Kelly came home at 5 then I went back home. I sat down on the couch and threw my purse beside me. Once I did so the rest of the tests fell out my bag onto the floor. Instead of just picking them up and throwing the rest away there was just something telling me to take one. But then again why would I need to, I mean I always protect myself. Finally I was just like fuck it, it wouldn't hurt to just make sure. I took a test and went to the bathroom. It's gonna come out negative. It has to, right? I waited for 5 agonizing minutes then I finally looked at the stick. It was positive.

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