The sorrow we carry.

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Chapter 1
The sorrow we carry.

A beautiful and dazzling witch, who was known to all as the strongest in the world, and with a power beyond the logical comprehension of mankind. The person everyone wished to become... the girl blessed with the immortality of a goddess. The pinnacle of humanity. At least that was in the past. Thousands of years have passed and yet now she just wants to be more alone than ever, she doesn't want to interact with any human ever again.

While she is on her knees crying inconsolably she can only remember the last sigh of her daughters before they fell faint. Death is something that comes to all of us, not only to mortals, even to the spirits themselves.

Spending more than five hundred years with her daughters, Azusa realized that they were gradually losing some of their vitality. Everything has a beginning and an end... and a beginning again, that is what life is all about... the cycle of rebirth, at least for most of the beings of infinity. But not for her... her blessing protects her from all decay... the so-called true immortality, not the one you earn... but the one you are born with... or reborn with in her case.

Azusa, realizing that her daughters were gradually deteriorating more and more, became frustrated. For despite having had people she called family, in the end they left to create their own lives, except for the ghost girl Rosalie, whose spirit was fading to the point of disappearing.Azusa's despair was terrible. No matter how hard she investigated and tried to find a solution, she could not concentrate. When she felt this disturbance, Beelzebub, a demon of superior rank and her friend, came to her aid. Upon noticing the situation she tried to calm Azusa down and helped her to investigate a definite solution.

"There's... there's nothing that can help us," said Azusa in tears.

"There is... there has to be" - she mentioned worriedly. Beelzebub.

"There is something, but it's too risky" - was heard behind them. It was Pecora, the demon king, ruler of all demons had arrived with them.After that she explained to them that if there is no solution in this world, they should find it in another world. Then she showed them a book that was in the deepest part of the library of the royal palace. It was a book that talked about how to open a portal to another world of another Demon King.

At first Beelzebub was incredulous, but when she saw Azusa's hopeful eyes, she accepted the risk. For more than two hours Azusa, Beezebub and Pecora held hands and recited the incantation to bring this other Demon King to this world. A spectral black mist began to manifest from that black book, a myriad of blue rays emerged from the mist and gradually dissipated. A figure loomed in front of them... the other Demon King had emerged.

"Where am I?" - The long-haired blue-haired entity said in confusion.

Noticing the immense amount of mana emanating from the individual Pecora and Beebzebub knelt down knowing that they were inferior beings to this deity-level demon.

"venerable Demon King of another world, I am Provat Pecora Alliéres, Demon King of this world and..." - she said somewhat frightened but was interrupted by Azusa who knelt down to ask him to help her daughters. After listening to the situation the entity introduced himself as Rimuru Tempest, Demon King and ruler of the Jura Tempest federation, and said he would help her in any way he could.

They left the formalities and Azusa took Rimuru to the room where the girls were convalescing being cared for by Beelzebub's two leviathan maidservants. For a moment Rimuru smiled and said... - "wow, they are little Slimes... no, spirits of Slimes" - something that surprised Azusa, as she only mentioned that they were spirits that had corporeal form.
Rimuru touched the girls' foreheads and poured some of her power into them, then used some of her magic to provide them with a real human body with enhancements and new abilities so that nothing like this would ever happen to them again. A flash mowed down everyone present. And then the girls were able to wake up.

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