The General's Doubt /// the legion of steel has awakened.

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Chapter 16

The General's Doubt /// the legion of steel has awakened.

The clash of two swords flashed in battle, the elven warrior was still on guard in front of the general of the invading troops, somewhat shaken but with a fierce determination she remained on the fighting foot.

"Answer... How did you get those powers?" - Benimaru questioned as he blocked an attack with the giant sword of the elven knight girl.

"Why would I have to answer an enemy?" - she questioned annoyed as she again used a black mist to attack, similar to that of her opponent's master.

"No one besides us, the faithful and loyal followers of him Great Lord Rimuru can access those abilities... How did you obtain those powers?" - Benimaru pointed out as he dispelled the mist with the swing of his sword.

"SILENCE, YOU DAMNED AESINO!!!" - She reiterated lunging at her opponent with frenzied attacks with her sword. The sound coming from the swords echoed with fervor, creating wind waves that swayed the silver hair a girl who watched the conflict in a fixed manner.

"that fool, she is still very impulsive, she needs to control her emotions more" - pointed the silver-haired girl, but in a second she blocked from her left side an attack coming from a sword. It was Hakurou, Tempest's holy sword.

"It's suicide, turning your back to the enemy in the middle of battle" - Hakurou pointed out somewhat annoyed.

"Would you allow me to ask you a question, sir" - questioned Mile somewhat seriously while evading his opponent's sword.

"I hear you" - pointed out the old man in battle stance.

"your master, who is such a powerful person that surpasses conventional understanding... in a matter of power... How far are your abilities to those of your master?" - Mile questioned as he blocked his enemy's sword attacks."our master's abilities are far superior to those of a conventional Demon King, and over time his power has grown considerably, it stands to reason that my power does not match his... I would not even reach a tenth of his power" - Hakurou pointed out as he continued to rapidly attack the young girl. However, she had stopped attacking and limited herself to only blocking his attacks.

"I see, then I must thank you for this increase in power" - she stated laughing as she created a blue and a red flare in her hands, but a flare with greater power than before. - "I believe so said Azusa" - she said as she saw the flames in her hands, then she turned to see her enemy and recited the same spell that Azusa cast against Rimuru moments before - "Red flames of dawn... blue flames of war... black flames of determination, become my power" - she pronounced as she launched the attack on her opponent. But in the moment before the attack came against Hakurou, Benimaru arrived and blocked the attack with an ability of his master.

"How, how is it possible that your power increased to such a degree, you are not the same from the previous battle" - questioned Benimaru, somewhat surprised.

"this is thanks to your master" - pointed out the Elven knight, as she regrouped with her master.

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