The arrival to the other world // the old friend.

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Chapter 12

The arrival to the other world // the old friend.

While in the firmament the sun began to show its first rays of light, a storm of Sand lashed the plain outside the capital city of Tils, hundreds of Steel Warriors stood guard over the last standing city of that world. The wind roared with fervor as the golems took up their battle positions.

The chatter of the girls could be heard faintly, the bustle of the "Babylon sisters" talking as they finished setting up the base of operations.

"this feels nostalgic" - Flora said to Monika striking up a conversation.

"you could say so, it's been a long time since we last did something like this" - Monika stated with a smile.

"we didn't do much after the crisis with the phrases, still, even after that our duty was just to be at our master's command" - pointed out would be a girl with glasses and short hair.

"you are right Fam, no matter what happened... our duty was always to be at the service of our master." - was heard behind them, it was Parshe, the warehouse terminal.

And as the sisters' conversation continued, the sound of several horses galloping to the place began to be heard, which caught the attention of those present. And soon the arrival of more than two hundred soldiers at the base of operations caught the attention of those present.

"Who are you?" - He said unsheathing his sword, as the rest of his companions followed in his footsteps. - "are you allies of those wicked demons?"

"we came to help... we..." - Azusa answered, but at that moment a girl spoke.

"Stop Zelena, they are not here to harm us" - she was heard from the skies, it was Mile, the silver knight girl and Zelena's teacher.

"What do you say teacher, do you even know these individuals?" - questioned the Elven girl

"It's been a while sis, how have you been?" - Mile replied greeting the Babylon Terminals."Miss Mile, nice to see you again" - pointed out Monika bowing. Which made Azusa question.

"You guys... do you know each other?" - Azusa said somewhat confused.

"What does this mean teacher?" - Zelena reiterated. That's when Monika spoke up.

"We have known Miss Mile for a long time, centuries to be precise" - stated Monika, being seconded by the rest of her sisters. It wasn't something out of the ordinary, way back, long before the loss of their family, Touya and his wives were traveling around different worlds vacationing, that's when they met Mile.

"Did you say centuries?" - Azusa questioned, assuming that Mile was just like her a reincarnate in another world.

"That's right, thanks to Touya coming to this world my life changed" - she pointed out somewhat seriously. Making Azusa think that she was a suitor of Touya, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

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