The protection of the spirits and the awaited reunion.

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Chapter 8

The protection of the spirits and the awaited reunion.

While the singing of the young girl manifested a small vortex of Light, one could notice worry and uncertainty at not knowing what would happen next, while she clung to her wish that she could contain the anger that her former love, the other clenched his fist at the helplessness he felt at not being able to solve this in a simple way as he did when he lived with the mortals.

"I may not be able to see you anymore, but it was fun chatting with you for a moment, it was nice to know that there is someone where I come from, it helped me a lot to be able to talk to someone from my home world... I guess I needed it to clear my mind." - Said the girl with a somewhat forced smile. As if she was hiding her desires.

"yes, it was... thank you for listening to my sorrows, it was... it was... liberating... Thank you" - Said the young man forcing the smile in the same way.

"Thank you for everything, I may never see you again so... Thank you! Thank you for listening to me! That helped me a lot... Bye" - said the girl as she and her companion crossed the portal. And after making the decision that would lead her to lose her freedom, she said goodbye to the young man with a forced smile.

A person's walking could be heard in the small residence of the Babylon fortress, Steps that denoted anxiety, the increasing sound of the steps gave to understand the person's concern; Touya, the heir of the Almighty God was waiting for some entities.

"We have arrived my lord" - was heard behind him. Suddenly, in the changed atmosphere, the feeling of a dark mist clashing with a slight warm wind manifested itself in the moment. It was the presence of two of the spirit pillars who had come to their master's call. The spirit of darkness, who had spoken accompanied by the spirit of fire.
"Your consorts... your covens we are to your desires, my lord" - stated the spirit of fire with a passion in her voice.

It was when Touya began to remember... It had been centuries since their last meeting, for after losing his wives, and having entered into a constant depression, to the point of driving him into a "major depressive episode" that filled him with self-deprecating tendencies, sleep disorders, as well as depressive and suicidal ideas. This was detected by the three spirits. They noticed the desperation in his eyes and to prevent him from trying something like this they decided to stay by his side for a while. The lack of his wives had left a hole in his heart, vulnerable and in need of a bond, a connection with someone, these spirits filled that void, they not only took care of him in food, care and that... they also took care of his debauched needs in the bedroom. Soon the three spirits had become his concubines. What he never did with Dr. Babynlon or the terminals in the fortress he did with these three spirits, for he could not do that with anyone who had any connection to his past or his wives.

"We have a situation, I guess it is already known to everyone" - Touya mentioned somewhat seriously.

"we are aware of the situation, a demonic being is raiding several worlds and creating chaos... What are your orders my lord?" - Said a spirit bowing, it was the water pillar spirit.

"A war is about to break out, and an innocent girl is about to lose her freedom because of it" - Touya said somewhat annoyed while clenching his fist.

"My Lord, with all due respect, why worry about a mortal being?" - The fire spirit said somewhat disinterested.

"Because that girl is not a mortal... she is a Goddess, a deity, I cannot afford to lose a Goddess to the whim of a Demonic being" - stated Touya firmly.

"Excuse me, how did a Goddess get involved in a conflict with a mortal?" - questioned the spirit of Darkness somewhat astonished.

"By the vagaries of Fate, Azusa had problems when her daughters..." - explained Touya, but the unexpected reaction of astonishment of the water spirit stopped him - "is something wrong?" - Touya questioned the spirit.

"Azusa... did you say Azusa? My lord" - the spirit pointed out somewhat worried. As she clasped her hands together on her chest.

"That's right, how come...?" - he reacted equally astonished, at the same time questioning how come he knows who Azusa is?

"Asuza, in her current world she is the adopted daughter of one of my lesser spirits... I haven't seen her for centuries, not since what happened to her daughters." - I point out somewhat worried.

"Do you know what happened?" - Touya questioned.

"yes, her daughters entered a transitional phase, a change so to speak" - pointed out the water spirit.

"what do you mean, what do you mean?" - I questioned somewhat astonished. That's when the spirit then began to explain.


The anger and fury could be felt miles away from the capital city of the Tempest federation. Rimuru, the absolute ruler of this nation, was enraged, for the only clue to the whereabouts of his once beloved had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The roar of his anger was manifesting itself as waves disturbing the tranquility, as well as his impotence at not being able to access this world again. He did not understand the how? Or why? After all, being an entity that could do and undo at will, not being able to achieve any of his goals frustrated him a lot, especially when it seemed that existence itself was against him. Before he had everything, but the loss of Shizu, the disappearance of Chloe, the transformation and death of Shion. As well as the tragedy that Azusa lived through filled him with frustration for not having been able to help them when he could.

The Sovereign Monarch of Tempest felt very frustrated for being an almighty being and not being able to help the girls he loved deeply, inside him was the stigma of having failed all four of them.

His meditation, or rather his thoughts, were stopped by the speaking of one of those close to him, Benimaru, the oni Justo had arrived along with his troops to Tempest to inform his master about what had happened.

"my lord" - said Benimaru.

"I hope for good news, Benimaru" - said Rimuru.

"I'm sorry, my lord, we have a problem" - pointed out Benimaru to then explain the situation, Rimuru couldn't believe it, someone else besides his most loyal servants could use his same abilities. That was something that amazed him the most, "someone like me?" he thought in a cautious way, but Ciel answered him "No, part of your power was shared to an external being with access to you" what frustrated him the most, how was it possible that it happened?

"I want answers, Benimaru, prepare the troops, this time I will go with you to..." - Rimuru was pointing, but at that moment he could feel it, a beating in his heart announced him, a sense of tranquility as well as love and understanding was felt in that world.


"It's her, but... she's not coming alone" - Rimuru said to himself and soon ran off to his quarters. He could feel the presence of someone else, a slight residue of divinity, a small part of the boy he faced.

Soon he reached the outskirts of his room, the room in which the two of them once shared for a time.

"Aaaaaaa Azusa!!!" - Rimuru said in surprise with a joy on his face.

"Hello Rimuru" - she replied.

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