Talk among Goddesses

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Chapter 10

Talk among Goddesses.

A shimmering glow hovered in the garden of Babylon as a divine aura began to be felt. Azusa, the immortal witch had returned to the floating fortress. With a sad and downcast look, and some tears on her face, she was clenching her fists in frustration as she saw that she had failed in her task, the pain she could feel in her chest was growing more and more. Her pain was not only because she had failed, but because she felt she had failed Rimuru in trying to put him back on the right path, she had failed Touya for trying to avoid conflict between them, and most of all, she had failed countless worlds.

"Welcome back, Azusa" - a sweet, calm voice was heard behind Azusa. Which made her turn around as she heard the speaking of a perfect stranger who knew her name.

"Who are you?" - questioned Azusa as she wiped her tears as she saw the girl in front of her, a beautiful and smiling pink-haired girl dressed in a white robe and golden ornaments on her arms as well as a tiara crowning her head.

"Right, let me introduce myself, I am the Goddess of Love, You can call me Karen" - she said approaching Azusa

"Touya's older sister?" - she replied, as she kept looking at her, she could feel it, this Goddess in front of her eyes was very different from the ones she had previously met.

"That's right, but I didn't come here to talk about Touya, I want to talk to you about something more important" - she pointed out.

"I don't have time to socialize, I have to talk to Touya, I failed in my errand and the raids will continue... Rimuru doesn't listen to me" - answered Azusa worried, her heart was shaking with despair, at that moment Karen, Touya's self-appointed sister, took her in her arms.

"You have to calm down Azusa, if you continue this upset you will never be able to achieve your goal" - she told her while placing Azusa's head on her left shoulder while caressing her head to reassure her, like an older sister comforting her little sister. - "relax and take a deep breath."

Little by little Azusa's despair was disappearing, her heart was starting to beat normally, and her breathing was normalizing, she didn't know why the situation was happening, but receiving the affection of the Goddess of Love she was starting to feel a familiar calm, as if her beloved mother was comforting her. 

"Why, why did you do it?" - Azusa said somewhat calmly. As they parted.

"Because you looked worried, it didn't need any other reason than that, you are the smallest Goddess I have ever met, as far as I'm concerned you are like my little sister, it's natural for me to worry about my family don't you think so?" replied Karen with a slight smile.

"Is that you, are you the Goddess who gave Touya the assignment to stop Rimuru?" - questioned Azusa somewhat surprised.

"that's right, it's me... but it wasn't something I decided, it was something that came up" - she answered her seriously, while looking into her eyes, Azusa could feel it, Karen wasn't lying, it wasn't her intention for them to face each other.

"What do you mean "it was something that came up", I don't understand" - she questioned her.

"We'd better talk somewhere else" - she told him motioning for him to accompany her. They walked through the garden until they came to a small table, on which there was a teapot and some cookies in the center.

"What is this place?" - Azusa questioned somewhat confused.

"this place is my relaxation space, this is where I..." - she said, but remained silent for a moment. Then she continued - "please sit down, so I can explain the situation to you".

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