The emissary // Corrupted.

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Chapter 19.

The emissary // Corrupted.

The fight had resumed, at the same time that the conflict between the deities continued, in front of the hundreds of soldiers and warriors of Tempest, one of their leaders was placed between both sides to try to mitigate the conflict. Benimaru, the righteous Oni addressed before his companions.

"Stop all aggression, stop immediately!!!" - Benimaru pointed out while emanating an aura of war from within him. Which made everyone somewhat serious turn to look at him. As the inhabitants of this world took the opportunity to regroup.

"what nonsense are you talking?" - Ultima pointed out annoyed. As she left the fight against Ignea to stand in front of Benimaru.

"what you heard, this is an order... stop immediately" - asserted Benimaru imposingly to his companion.

"I always said you were too soft... your cowardice is a disgrace to Tempest and our lord" - Carrera pointed out.

"I'm not asking for your opinion... this is an order from a superior... stop now!!!" - Benimaru pointed out annoyed at the response of his companions.

"From now on Benimaru is relieved of his position, I will take command at this time" - was heard behind the girls, it was Testarossa. - "Benimaru, you go against the dictates of our lord and master... you are a disgrace to Tempest" - she pointed while throwing a punch against Benimaru, but it was quickly stopped with her opponent's hand.

"I thought I told you that I didn't ask for your opinion" - Benimaru pointed out while from his hand a slight explosion in warning to his partner.

"Surround the traitor!!!!" - Carrera pointed out in annoyance, immediately several orcs obeyed the indication. The atmosphere felt very tense, a part of them wanted to follow the indication given by their Leader Benimaru, because they knew that he would never dare to betray his master, but a part of the army sympathized more with Testarrosa's orders, that's when Mile noticed it.

"They are not only affecting Azusa, these souls are contaminating your companions" - pointed the silver-haired girl to the Oni. She could feel residue of those souls entering the three primordial ones, as the conflicting and violent nature made them perfect hosts for those corroded souls.

"All troops.... resume the bat...!!!!" - Testarossa pointed out, before momentarily falling silent. Something had caught his attention, it was when he turned to look skyward.

Suddenly several portals of a crimson mist manifested, from which hundreds of demonic looking soldiers appeared in front of everyone present. An aura rivaling that of the three primordial ones manifested in a purple mist. Everyone was shocked to see a peculiarly attractive boy of an apparent twelve years old with light purple hair, dark horns and insect-like wings appear into their presence.

"My name is Baal, leader of the demonic troops in my world, in the name of the dynasty of the Demonic Kingdom that presides over the Provat Aries lineage... this world has been catalogued as an allied territory of our nation, any aggression against it will invalidate the alliance treaty between Tempest - Provat. You are ordered to desist from all hostility and aggression" - said the boy with a firm and solemn voice.

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