The Unexpected Visit /// A Sister's Concern.

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Chapter 2
The Unexpected Visit /// A Sister's Concern.

On a quiet night, inside his royal chambers, the ruler of a nation, the most powerful demon king ever defeated was meditating, time had passed... weeks... months... months... years... he did not remember how long... he only remembered the day when his close ones that he had revived at the moment of being reborn as demon king fell ill to later wake up as living dead and create chaos in his home. After searching the world for centuries for an explanation to the incident, however, finding no answers, he lost what little hope he had. That is until one of his close associates questioned him about something.

"Rimu... sir, it's been many years since that incident, you should stop tormenting yourself, what happened was not your fault don't you think you should leave the past behind?" - Shuna said somewhat worried knowing that no matter how much time passed, every year without fail on the anniversary of what happened he would lock himself in his quarters and not come out until a whole month had passed. She thought that despite being a demon king he wept for the death of his countrymen, but she was far from the truth. Unbeknownst to anyone he kept Shion's body in his room, he flooded her with mana every year to prevent her deterioration, for no matter how much time passed he was sure that no matter what the method he would bring her back to life."if it wasn't my fault I wouldn't blame myself... she had faith in me, and I failed her... she was sick and I pushed her aside... worst of all I know that if I had stayed by her side when she started with her headache I could have done something to help her" - said Rimuru serene while looking at the night sky through a window.

"But still, we don't know if..." - Shuna answered somewhat nervously. But Rimuru interrupted her.

"I know... I'm sure it would have been so" - he said somewhat annoyed. Although inside he knew the truth. Not even Ciel, who had the most detailed knowledge of everything knew what happened. Which made Rimuru even surprised at such an event. For the first time in his whole life he had the doubt of something that escaped his comprehension. For the first time the most powerful and feared demon king had encountered a question that he could not find an answer to.

He dismissed Shuna and accompanied him to the door, asking him to leave him alone. He took a bottle of alcohol and began to drink it, he sat in the chair in front of the window until he felt the presence of someone in his room.

"Can I go now?" - Rimuru said somewhat depressed. It was Sadashi, one of the Shadow Squad's intelligence and espionage agents, daughter of Souei and Souka. Two of the main intelligence heads in Tempest.

"That's right sir, she already left the compound, you can go now." - she said seriously. While holding a bouquet of roses and two wolf stuffed animals in the shape of puppies. To which Rimuru took them in his hands and opened a portal in front of him. He was about to leave when Rimuru asked him to accompany him. For he didn't want to do this alone. "Are you sure about that sir?" - questioned the girl. To which he only replied by nodding his head in affirmation. And so they both crossed the portal. 

Arriving at the place Rimuru knelt down and placed the bouquet of roses and the stuffed animals next to the tombstones that were under a leafy tree on the highest plateau of the region. The place where some little girls had lived for many years was now their final resting place... an inscription decorated the small tombstones "in memory of Shalsha and Falfa Aizawa... my beloved daughters".

"they were the daughters of the girl who sent me to watch?" - Sadashi questioned somewhat wistfully.

"that's right... and in part you could say that they were also my daughters" - answered Rimuru in a sad way. Hearing that in her mind came memories that she lived with them before that tragic day. Memories of him visiting the girls occasionally, sometimes bringing them sweets and treats, other times toys and cookies and even books and clothes. You could say he was a spoiled father. Even though he knew they were Azusa's daughters, he felt like their father as he used some of his magic to help bring them back to life.

"Azusa was a good mother... she took care and spoiled the girls in an incredible way, you could say she was the best mother in the world... she didn't deserve this... she didn't deserve this" - said Rimuru to himself. As a visitor arrived at the grave.

"Mr. Rimuru... what are you doing here?" - Said the girl as she knelt down. It was Pecora, the leader of the Demons who was now visiting the girls' abode.
"stand up, please... at this moment I am not here as a demon lord... but as a visitor" - Rimuru pointed out.
"sir... you shouldn't blame yourself for..." - Pecora pointed out, but Rimuru interrupted her.

"she's still blaming me isn't she?" - he questioned.

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