Divine Therapy, the girl who eliminated the chaos and the failed kidnapping.

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Chapter 6Divine Therapy, the girl who eliminated the chaos and the failed kidnapping.

A slightly uncomfortable meeting was being felt, the atmosphere somewhat tense in the living room of the small residence that was located in the floating fortress. For the first time in a long time, Touya, the boy who became the successor of the All Mighty God had in front of him someone who knew perfectly well the pain he felt in his heart. For he was in front of the bearer of a mortal's greatest blessing, the girl who was once called as the witch of the highlands, Azusa Aizawa.

"You look a little nervous, are you okay?" - Touya asked very nervously. Well, it had been many years since he had spoken to someone outside of celestial affairs or the floating fortress itself.

"A little, I guess I was never one of the girls who didn't feel tense in front of some man" - she said trying to evade the gaze. But inside she could feel something. "this is stupid, less than ten minutes ago I could talk to him in an easier way, could it be that I was so angry that I let my nerves out because of the anger that was blinding me? No, maybe it's the fact that I'm in front of a guy who once had nine wives" she thought.

"I guess you feel uncomfortable about the fact that you are in front of a person who had nine wives, that's fine, it's to be expected, even in my old world it was something very rare, very different from the world in which I met the girls" - Touya said somewhat serious and a little nervous as he stood up and walked to the window looking at the tree from which the nest of those birds had fallen, Well, remembering the moral norms that were lived in his old world, remembering that kind of things made him a little nostalgic, because from his mind emerged memories of his past as a child, when he lived with his parents, the days he was in school .... memories that made him long for his past. That was when Azusa noticed.

"Your old world? What exactly do you mean?" - Azusa questioned somewhat doubtfully while thinking "his old world? could it be that, he too...?"

Touya just closed his eyes for a moment as he came back to sit next to Azusa - "I guess you must have already sensed it. Just as you, who are not from the world you met your daughters from, I am not from the world I met them in" - Touya said as he turned his head towards the portrait of his nine wives.

"Then you..." - Azusa replied surprised.

"yes, that's right" - Touya said making a slight smile - "I never thought I would ever see someone from Japan again" - he pointed as he took a seat next to her.

"I guess I should start where my life changed... the day of my death..." - Touya explained, poured some tea for Azusa and continued. - "My name is Touya, Touya Mochizuki, before I came to this world I lived in Japan, I was a fifteen year old student when my life changed, all thanks to a divine accident..." - Touya explained, so that Azusa lost her nerves a little. Little by little as he was talking about his past, several melancholic feelings began to emerge from him, remembering those memories that he repressed for a long time began to grow again a feeling of humanity inside him. For a long time, Touya was acting in an automatic way, as if a robot in programmed functions, that was something that the gods themselves made them worry, because the one who was once known as the closest god to humanity was losing it.

Time went by, talking about how he met his wives, how they gave him a territory to create a nation, even the battles and adventures he lived when he lived with his family in that world; all the stories until the end, until the moment when his wives asked him to end it all. It was when Touya for a moment could not stand it anymore, his voice cracked, because he had never told that pain to anyone, even though all the Gods or the terminals of Babylon knew it, he had never taken that pain out of his chest; maybe it was because of the overflow of feelings that resurfaced in him, or because he felt someone familiar for being a former inhabitant of his world, or the fact that both lived a similar situation, the point was that he could finally take out that pain that he repressed in that face of falsehood.

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