Nightmare of the Tempest Part 1

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Chapter 22

Nightmare of the Tempest Part 1

Delicate rays of sunlight peeked through the windows of the office of the leader of a nation, a warm morning was felt in the atmosphere as he awoke from a short nap after reviewing documents, the laughter of small orcs and goblins playing with elf girls and the murmur of passersby had awakened the leader of a nation. Waking up as he scrubbed his eyes with his hands he heard small knocks knocking at the door.

"Good morning, my Lord, Your wives are looking for you at the door of the enclosure" - a green-haired servant called politely. It was Cesca, one of the nine terminals created by Doctor Regina Babylon. Which confused Rimuru outright, as the last thing he remembered was the battle between him and Touya.

"You... were his servant... Touya's servant" - Rimuru mentioned as he stopped abruptly, when talk of another girl confused him.

"Touya's?... Mr. Rimuru, did something happen, who is this Touya you speak of?" - Confused questioned the silver-haired goblin girl entering the office, she turned her head to look at Cesca and continued - "Cesca, did something happen?" - Rimuru was more confused, for it was Haruna, one of her most loyal subordinates, one of the first people to be given a name by Rimuru, who was speaking so matter-of-factly to the girl who had recently tortured her master.

"I don't know, my lady, it seems that the Master is a little tired from being all morning with the documents, I will call Mrs. Beelzebub to relieve him and continue with the work, it seems that it is better for the Master to rest" - pointed out the Maid as she withdrew from the office.

"Mr. Rimuru, are you all right? You should take advantage of the fact that the girls came to return home and rest, it's been two days that you stay in the office for work, we have told you to the point of exhaustion to delegate the work to others, Miss Pecora insisted that you could take care of everything, besides the duchesses are waiting for you, you should not leave their wives alone" - pointed out the Goblin girl in a worried way.

"Wives? Did you just say wives?" - Rimuru questioned in fright as he appraised the situation.
"What's going on, where am I?" he wondered as he turned in all directions.

"LORD RIMURU!!!...may I know why you haven't returned home?" - an annoyed tone was heard from the voice of a pink haired girl, it was Shuna, who was accompanied by Azusa, she was a bit giggly as she saw Rimuru's expression.

"You've been really neglecting us Rimuru, the girls are asking for you, did you forget that today is the day?" - Azusa pointed out laughing in a charming way.

"Azusa... is that you, I thought Touya was..." - Rimuru said but suddenly a headache echoed in him, a series of lost memories came to his memory. That's when the Demon Lord started to remember.


It had been over a hundred years since the battle against Touya, however, it ended with the apparent death of the Herald of the Gods at his hands, this caused Azusa to weep deeply as she embraced Touya's badly wounded body, This caused Rimuru himself to enter into a state of Cholera, seeing his beloved Azusa mourn the loss of his enemy filled him with hatred, the anger grew to such a degree that a pain in his chest overwhelmed him, so using his power he stole all the Divine energy that was left to the God couple.

"Azusa, I did everything for you... Why are you still doing this? He can no longer exert his power on you" - Rimuru coldly pointed to Azusa, who was still crying disconsolately.

"Rimuru, the only thing he did was to give me part of his divinity to be able to return to your side... I asked him to let me talk to you in order to avoid a catastrophe" - she said between tears holding back the anger in her words, but she could not take it anymore and her deep sadness burst into tears - "I AM... I AM... I AM... I AM TO BLAME FOR EVERYTHING! !!!..." - Azusa cried with a deep anger - "My weakness... my stupid weakness for trying to see something good in you blinded me... and Touya's life was the price of my stupidity... I was an idiot!!!!" - Azusa pointed out, which Rimuru tried to approach to comfort her. But Azusa clung tighter and tighter to Touya's badly wounded body.

"Get out of me!!... don't touch me!!!!.... Murderer!!!... Genocidal!!!" - cried out in tears the immortal Witch with a look of terror and hopelessness.

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