The sorrow that unites us // In a new world

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Chapter 5The sorrow that unites us // In a new world

A light, cool breeze could be felt in the air, the singing of some birds could be heard placidly in tune with the murmur of two girls watching the beautiful girl lying down, a beautiful young blonde girl. For the first time in thousands of years another living being had set foot on the floating fortress in which they resided.

Azusa, the witch blessed by the gods was peacefully asleep in a room that had not been used for millennia. While at the same time the talks between the two girls continued, little by little she began to wake up.

"I can't believe the master brought someone to the fortress" - said one of the girls in a maid's outfit.

"I thought she was human, but she's as human as the Master himself. It was no use her being here, I'll go back to see Miss Monoha" - said the girl dressed as a nurse saying goodbye to her companion.

"Where...where am I?" - was heard from the girl who quickly stood up and started to be on alert as she started to use levitation.

"good morning miss, my name is Cesca, this is Flora, we are here by request of our master to take care of you, we hope you enjoy your stay." - mentioned the girl in a maid's outfit."Her master?... Who is he? Is he the guy who was fighting against Rimuru?" - Azusa asked a bit annoyed while she started channeling magic to attack.

"Yes, yes miss, and I will have to ask you in the most attentive way to desist from your attacks, we are simply servants, we would be happy to answer your questions, we are authorized to do so" - replied Flora.

"I hear you" - Azusa pointed out, a little annoyed but a little curious.

"I don't have to tell you, but you are aware of the danger that is arising for everyone, or am I wrong?" - Cesca questioned. However, Azusa just remained silent and continued to listen.

"our young master was assigned by his elder sister in order to stop him responsible for the dimensional incursions, the one responsible who started attacking several worlds. I am fully confident that you also know how serious the matter is, as well as the need to..." "You want to kill Rimuru? I won't let you do that, Rimuru is... is..." - Azusa answered somewhat upset as she began to manifest a divine aura, but she couldn't speak anymore, as she was soon overwhelmed by a lot of memories and feelings that soon began to cloud her mind. What is Rimuru to me, how can I help him? I have to stop the master of these girls, Doubts were slowly starting to flow in her heart.

"Our master's main idea was to try to convince him to cease hostilities and return to his world. That is why Miss Monoha was assigned to make the first contact, however, given the aggressive nature of those close to Rimuru and her own determination, the first contact was unsuccessful, not only that, but she has managed to infuriate our master" - commented Flora.

"What do you mean? Rimuru is not evil, maybe his methods are unorthodox, but he is a good person, he does everything for a good purpose" - pointed out Azusa somewhat annoyed, but deep down she knew that these girls were right, Rimuru was completely unleashed, so much so that he no longer cared about crushing innocent people just to reach his purpose.

"With all due respect, Miss Azusa, Young Rimuru and his servants already destroyed three worlds in such a short time, if they don't put a stop to it now, existence will be in grave danger" - pointed out Cesca."But..." - Azusa said somewhat uneasily.

"more than twenty billion, more than twenty billion lives were blinded, was the figure estimated by our sister Monika, the total lives of the three worlds" - stated Cesca as she bowed and left the room.

"Cesca" - Flora mentioned.

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