Nightmare of the Tempest Part 2

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Chapter 23
Nightmare of the Tempest Part 2

A pungent smell of death and dampness continued in the compound, the one once known as the Herald of the Gods was bound by his hands, on his knees before what was left of the immortal Witch, with tears in his eyes and a helplessness reflected in his dead look the boy began to spit blood, while the immortal Witch held him by the hair lifting his face.

"Tell me Rimuru, what shall we do with him, how about killing his wives again in front of him?" - pointed out the immortal Witch smiling in a calm manner.

Glup... glup - heard Rimuru the falling of a few drops in her mind.

"Let me die!...for pity's sake!" - Touya said weakly in supplication to his suffering.

"I'm sorry Tou... you don't decide that" - Azusa replied as she grabbed him by the chin and turned him around to see his face. - "how cute, look at her terrified face, isn't she lovely, Rimuru?" - Azusa pointed out returning her gaze to Rimuru who was still in Shock.
Glup... glup - Rimuru heard again, he knew perfectly well the meaning.

"ENOUGH ALREADY!!!" - Rimuru pointed furiously, which ran to save Touya from what was left of the immortal witch, but an attack of glowing javelins stopped him.

Glup... glup - it kept ringing.

"dear, leave that human waste, why don't you go back home?" - questioned the attacker, Rimuru quickly turned around, to her surprise it was Leen, who was accompanied by the rest of the Demon Lord's other "Wives".

"Why are you wasting your time here? Honey, stop abandoning us for so long" - Shion pointed out, while attacking him with her huge sword that he very barely managed to dodge, but was quickly attacked by Elze, which after several blocked blows made him back momentarily.

"Don't you like being with us?" - Elze questioned, somewhat annoyed.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" - Rimuru replied furiously, as she knew he would never do something like that, he would never have done something so cruel and heartless. However, all the girls started to attack Rimuru. A beautiful melody began to play as all the girls present attacked the disoriented Demon Lord. Rhythmic sounds of a melody began to be heard on the wind, as if foreshadowing an evil omen.

Glup... glup.

"You're just a child who doesn't know what he wants" - roared Yumina as she and Sue attacked with javelins of Light, which quickly struck the Demon Lord. He didn't know why, but those attacks were affecting him badly, he couldn't block them, it was as if his very body was consciously letting the attacks hurt him.

Glup... glup - he kept listening, he knew perfectly well what it meant, each drop that sounded was the sign that time was running out. Soon, he began to be filled with feelings of hatred, because even though he didn't want to believe what happened inside him a feeling of guilt was lodged, because he remembered with horror the things he had committed in that life, which made him start crying from the deepest part of his heart.

"yooooooo!!! I'm sorry!... I'm sorry!" - Rimuru weakly pointed out as a few tears fell to the ground.

"You did all this and now you're crying over the result, it's pathetic, my lord" - Shion pointed out in a sarcastic manner. While Hilde, Yae and Lu accompanied her in her attack. The blows were focused and quickly the wounds emerged, but contrary to what he expected, the wounds did not heal.

Glup... glup. - insisted the sound like a hand arriving at an expected time.

"Enough, Please!!!" - pointed imploringly the Demon Lord as inside him his feelings were bending him. - "You have to stop that" - Rimuru pointed out as he pressed on his wound on the side of his chest. The situation was becoming desperate for the Demon Lord, for the first time in a long time he feared for his life, as his wound was still not healing.

Glup... glup.

At that moment the faint melody began to intensify in the place, soon the attacks of the girls began to increase in a frantic way, sword blows, magic attacks, as well as melee blows. Soon the girls' bodies began to overflow from the force exerted.

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