The Dilemma of the Gown Girl // The Goddess versus the Demon King.

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Chapter 14

The Dilemma of the Gown Girl // The Goddess versus the Demon King.

Inside a Laboratory of the most powerful Nation of that world, in the largest laboratory of all one could notice traces of blood and torn clothes, Ri, the techno-magic manager of the country was amazed by the slow but efficient healing of the girl her master had tortured.

"This ability is somewhat slow at the moment, young Rimuru's attacks were very painful" - the gyndroid pointed out as she put on a lab coat to cover herself. However, a girl watched her in amazement as she saw her recovery.

"this is something incredible, the wounds caused by Mr. Rimuru are not supposed to be able to be regenerated... How is this possible?" - pointed out somewhat confused the girl in robe without taking her eyes off Cesca.

"Yes, I know, young Rimuru's power is something to be feared... that is why it is imperative that he ceases his hostilities, we cannot allow more worlds to suffer because of his task" - affirmed Cesca.

"Do you think I'll let you get in the way of their plans? I may not like the things he is doing, but I am a faithful servant of Master RImuru" - Ri pointed out as she pressed a button that made several steel chains encircle Cesca's body.

"tell me one thing Miss Ri, I know you are a person who doesn't approve of unnecessary violence, the face you had when your master was torturing me is proof of that, but what do you really think, what do you think of what your master and his faithful are doing... they already destroyed three worlds... thousands of innocent lives perished... do you think that's fair?" - Cesca questioned with his eyes closed.

"It's not my decision to decide if it's good or bad, fair or not... I... I... I just have to follow orders" - pointed Ri somewhat doubtful, because inside her there was a doubt, as a child she always liked to create anything as long as it was beneficial for everyone, her abilities she saw them as a gift, and she believed that if that gift could be used to help people it was her responsibility to use it for that. And that for some reason Cesca knew.

"Is that what you really think, or is that what you have forced yourself to believe?" - Cesca questioned as a light emerged from her shattering the chains as if they were as thin as light glass.

"that's what we have to do... we have to support our master, that's our duty" - she pointed out somewhat scared while inside she was still thinking "I don't want anyone to die, but that's something I have no say in, we have to be on master Rimuru's side, even so I'm still terrified of death" she said to herself while remembering how Rimuru was torturing Cesca previously.

"I understand" - said Cesca, and suddenly Cesca took out a smartphone, one of those that belonged to one of Touya's deceased wives. And with a single movement he projected several screens in front of Ri.

"What's that, what kind of magic is this?" - Ri questioned as she watched the images in front of her. She was shocked and horrified to see terrible scenes... wounded knights fighting against Rimuru's troops; innocent people being hit by spells and fights, men fighting to save their families being stabbed by the goblinriders' spear, children crying and running covered in blood, some even with limbs lost by the explosions in the invasions. Innocent victims that were claiming this conflict.

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