The Steel Sentinels and the Valkyrie // Corruption

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Chapter 17

The Steel Sentinels and the Valkyrie // Corruption

Two blasts of energy collided with each other, two great dragon titans lashed out at each other; Veldora, the storm dragon fought happily against her rival, a Dragon that could keep up with her attacks; Tohru, the dragon of Armageddon.

"You are amazing girl, not many can keep up with me in battle, do you have any deity as your lord and master?" - Veldora questioned as she laughed in excitement, for it had been a long time since she had faced someone with such unparalleled strength.

"Master and lord? You confuse things, you disgusting lizard... unlike you, I'm not fighting because someone orders me to, I fight because I want to... to preserve the lives of these humans" - pointed the girl as she lashed out strongly with a barrage of blows towards her opponent who was barely blocking. He could feel it, a power granted by being a beneficiary of a deity was emanating from her, but he saw something else, beyond that power granted there was something else... a reason, a motive, a memory... a memory of a past love that made her change her life, the most important person for her was her greatest motivation.

"The life of a human is so short, compared to us, humans are just larvae" - Veldora pointed out, hoping to provoke her opponent.

"I didn't ask for your opinion, and honestly I don't care... this is my decision, I fight for whatever I want" - he pronounced while preparing a blast of mouth fire, but his opponent was preparing a similar breath of black flares. And just as the two attacks were about to collide a flash caught their attention.

Bursts of several giant robots were present, several of the Chevalier were being destroyed by the group of "Goblin Riders". At the same time the troops on the ground were trying to enter the citadel. Through the gap created by one of the attacking sentries.

"Formation, prepare to enter the City... the order is "Zero survivors"!!!" - pointed out an orc to his companions.

"HA, looks like it's the end for humans in this world" - laughed Veldora somewhat arrogantly.

"With them here, the protection of the city is guaranteed" - pointed Tohru as a mist covered the attackers only to vanish and reveal that they had all fallen down.

"no one will set foot inside this city!!!!! - Yamini, the spirit of darkness, pointed out decisively.

"Ha, one spirit against a legion of enemies... don't make me laugh" - she expressed in a mocking manner, as the nine Tempest sentries stood in front of the spirit guarding the crack in the city wall.

"Spirit? I wasn't talking about her" - affirmed Tohru while a huge flash of various colors manifested in front of the nine sentinels. In front of them stood a legion of warrior women from the past who had proven their worth in battle, fulfilling the promise they made to their master's wives, the terminals of Babylon's legacy made their presence known.

"come what may..." - Cesca said in Yumina's Brunnhilde unit.

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