The General's decision /// The new life of the Herald of God.

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Chapter 20

The General's decision /// The new life of the Herald of God.

The clash of steel resounds with fervor, the battle had resumed and the rest of the Goblins Riders were immersed in the battle, a dragon silhouette of an individual in the sky attacks Liora, the pilot of Elze's Gerhilde. She was barely able to hold off the attack, but the unit had suffered considerable damage.

"Critical armor damage at 30%, left arm plating compromised... warning critical armor damage at 45%, left leg plating compromised" - was heard from the Gerhilde unit.

"Liora, status report" - heard from Ri over the communication system.

"the damage was only to the unit's armor, internal damage is nil" - Liora pointed out, in a calm manner.

"You, enemies of Tempest... you will fall before our troops, no matter how many or who you are" - pointed out the same person lashing out again at the Gerhilde unit, but before the impact a spear was thrown between the combat unit and the subject to avoid the impact.

"I WILL SAY IT FOR THE LAST TIME... GOBLIN RIDERS... DESIST!!!" - Was heard from one of the Battalion Leaders. "General Gobta, to resume the battle was the order of our lady Testarrosa" - pointed out the subject. But at that moment another spear was thrown impacting the subject making him fall down.

"As far as I am concerned, Lord Benimaru is the Leader of the Tempest troops" - stated Gobta and then took out an enchanted orb. - "Holding protocol, units in suspension mode" - he ordered, and so the rest of the steel units stopped.

"Girls... desist from attacking the Goblin Riders, your units are deactivated!!!" - Ri stated to the Babylon terminals. As they ceased hostilities momentarily.

"General... Why are you doing this?" - questioned an orc to his superior.

"Because this battle was always unfair, and if the fairest and noblest of us realized that, then, it is our duty to follow his orders" - stated Gobta.

"But, most of the troops agree with Lady Testarrosa... it was an order from our Lord Rimuru to attack this world" - pointed out the Orc.

"these three only care about fighting and conflict... they are looking for a pretext for battle, If Lord Rimuru left Benimaru as Leader of our troops it was because he trusts his judgment, besides, you overestimate our lord... he is all powerful but he is still a person like us" - he pointed as he walked towards where his troops were.

"Sir, they are all supporting those three, how do you plan to convince them otherwise?" - questioned the Orc.

"by blows if necessary" - pointed out with a smile Gobta as he continued walking.


The singing of birds could be heard through the window, a warm summer breeze could be felt in the room, a quietness hovered in the moment, delicate rays of light peeked through the curtain of the bedroom, Touya, the heir of God had woken up from a deep sleep.

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