The Devastator

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Chapter 24
The Devastator

The sky was beginning to shake with fervor, currents of wind were shaking drastically, while the ground rumbled at the impression of power emanating from the newly arrived visitor, a demonic aura that surpassed the demon Lord Rimuru Tempest by creses was felt before everyone, which made even Tempest's invaders shocked.

"It's not possible... How did you...?" - Veldora reacted in surprise.

"I see that in this timeline you are still alive, Veldora" - pointed out the guy in dark crystalline armor that came out of the portal.

"A friend of yours?" - Tohru pointed out annoyed without taking her eyes off the enemy.

"you could say an acquaintance... but, it's impossible, Rimuru was supposed to have..." - she answered while helping to lift up a weakened Chloe.

"wow, Veldora... who is your friend, I sense a hint of divinity in her... a divinity coming from the so called "Herald of the Gods" are you one of his "Valkyries"? - the subject pointed out in a polite manner as he slowly descended from the sky.

"How do you know Touya?" - questioned Mile in surprise, who had arrived next to Benimaru upon sensing the devastating power of the new opponent. Then she turned to see the weakened Chloe so she reacted. - "Chronoa?"

"Do you know our lady Chloe?" - Benimaru questioned.

"She is the emissary of the Goddess of Time and Space, what are you doing in this place?" - Mile questioned somewhat surprised.

"Fixing his mess... or at least that's what he tried desperately, however he failed" - pointed out the guy as he slowly took off his helmet, revealing his identity, which made most of Tempest's army surprised, before them a person with the same face of their lord and master was present, but his power could feel too different.
"HOW?!!!!!" "WHAT THE HELL?" "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" - several voices were heard in unison, as and subject laughed lightly.
"Geez, did I surprise you guys, an apology, maybe I should of used my true appearance, it's just that this body often changes to its original form without me realizing it." - he laughed lightly as his body began to transform in front of everyone, there was no doubt for those present, that transformation ability was one of the abilities of Master and Lord of the Temepest Federation, before long his face changed to one that was recognized by everyone close to the Demon Lord.

"¿¿¿¿YYYYYYYUUUUUUKIIIIIIIIIII??!!!! How the hell is he still alive?!!!!" - Benimaru questioned as he unsheathed his sword again, however, Testarrosa, Ultima and Carrera stood to the side of the enemy.

"Idiots... What are you doing?" - Veldora questioned her companions, at the same time Yuuki approached them and stroked Ultima's head.

"Don't blame them, Veldora, it was very easy to subdue these three, given their chaotic and destructive nature, they are beings of conflict... after all, battle is their reason for being," Yukki pointed out confidently.

"How is it possible for you to even be alive?" - Benimaru questioned with incredible anger and rancor.

"You could say that this was all thanks to our dear Chloe, for I am the result of her intervention in my time" - pointed Yuuki turning to look at the weakened Time guardian.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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